Chapter 9: It'll be Alright

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Jack and I were laughing all the way down the hall. We got to a door that led to the top of the ship, out to the bitter cold.

"Jack! I can't believe we pulled that off!" I laughed, and he laughed back.

"Did you see that guys face? Did you see it?" Jack laughed, finding it hard to breathe at this point. I covered Jack's mouth with my bare hands, and we both stopped. I wanted to tell him something, something important.

"Jack, when the ship docks, I'm getting off with you."  I say softly, his smile comes back.

"This is crazy." Jack states, raising his eyebrows.

"I know!.....but that's why I believe it." I started giggling and Jack started laughing. He pressed his lips against mine and put his hands around my waist. Jack pulled away and said:

"Hey, those guys up there look.... like they're panicking." Jack noticed, but I thought different. He turned me around to face them.

"They're probably just cold! It's chilly tonight, don't you think?" I answered Jack, but he wasn't really concentrating.

"Yeahhh." Jack said back, distracted by the anxious crew up top. He started to walk over to the edge of the boat.

"You see all that ice? Like, right down there? That's what they're lookin' out for." Jack pointed to the sea, the waves made a loud crash against the ship.

"Oh yeah, really fascinating." I said, in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Y/N, it's serious. If we bump into that, it would cause damage to the ship. Bet you're glad you didn't jump." Jack smirked at me, and nudged my arm.

"Come on! We are on the grandest ship in the world, sailing through the Atlantic on our way to New York. And you're here worrying about the ice underneath the ship." I laughed at Jack, and he gave in.

"Fine. But you look freezing. Here, take my jacket." Jack handed me over his coat once more, and placed it over my shoulders.

I moved his hair out of the way, it was so soft. We looked into each other's eyes for a second. They were piercing blue and, hypnotising me in some sense. But all of a sudden, we heard a big thump on the side of the ship.

Jack, what was that? Jack!" I started to panic. I was beginning to think I should've listened to Jack. The deck was covered in ice and water, and i saw a big iceberg pass behind us.

"We've been hit!" Jack said, running over to the side of the ship.

"Look. Look at that." Jack added, leaning over the edge.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry." I apologised to Jack.

"Why are you apologising?" Jack laughed, and held my hand.

"I should've listened to you. You were talking about all the ice and the serious danger we would be in if it hit and I didn't believe you." I explained. I felt bad. Jack was trying to explain and I wasn't taking it.

"It's fine, Y/N. It'll be alright." Jack whispered in my ear, and hugged me.

All I could hear was the crew shouting from the Captains quarters. I was starting to worry a bit.

"Hey, let's go join 'em. That looks fun!" Jack says, laughing at the men kicking around the ice that had fallen from the iceberg.

"Yeah, okay!" I said, nervously. I don't know about him but I was so distracted by the iceberg situation that I wasn't really having fun with these guys. But I couldn't worry, otherwise Jack would too.

"Jack, I'm going to go look around." I said, smiling and walking across the door that led to the grand staircase.

"Oh hey! Wait up, Y/N." Jack shouts, running after me.

"Where are we goin'?" Jack asks, and starts to walk faster to keep up with me. I needed to find some information about this.

"I-I need to find out what just happened. It's not right, and I know somethings up." I said, speedily walking up to the stairs. Where I spotted Mr Andrews. He would know. I mean, he made the whole ship after all.

"Mr Andrews. Mr Andrews!" I bellowed from the bottom stair. He turned round to me, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"What's happened? I need to know, and I need to know now." I said, rather firmly. He looked nervous, but I was desperate.

"Oh, don't worry, Y/N. It was just a little bump in the road, everything is fine!" He said, nervously laughing. He tried to start walking away but I caught his wrist. Jack was stood next to me.

"I saw the iceberg. And I see it in your eyes. Tell me the truth, Mr Andrews." I stated, and he shut his eyes for a minute and then opened them. He told us everything.

"The ship... will sink." Mr Andrews said, with no context.

"You're certain?" I asked, making sure he was absolutely positive.

"Yes, i-in an hour or so. All of this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic." Mr Andrews trembled, and this was not what I was expecting to hear. I knew it was bad, but not this bad.  There was silence for a minute. Jack stood there, gobsmacked.

"What?!" Jack said, looking very concerned at this point.

"Y/N, you remember what I said to you about the boats?" Mr Andrews asked, and I nodded with my hand over my mouth. Mr Andrews had briefly told me about there not being enough lifeboats if something happened. Not enough by half.

"I must go, I need to speak with the Captain." Mr Andrews rushed off, and left me and Jack absolutely shaken.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" I panicked. I turned to Jack where he held me in his arms, he rested his chin on my head.

"It's gonna be fine! Trust me." Jack went on to say. I could trust Jack, so when he said that, it made me calmer.

"We need to get to the lifeboats as soon as possible. Everybody's going to be fighting to get in them." Jack added, and ushered me up the stairs.

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