Chapter 10: Like Mother, Like Daughter

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People were already starting to climb into the boats, with crew shouting everywhere. I saw Mother and Rose waiting to get into a boat. I rushed over to them. Jack followed behind me.

"Mother! You heard the news." I exclaimed, and looked at the size of the boats behind.

"Oh yes! Horrible, isn't it?" She says, turning to look at the life boats.

"I hope we don't have to sit too close together, I don't want to sit next to those 3rd class cheap skates. Will the lifeboats be seated according to class?" She added, and starts to laugh to herself. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Oh, mother. Shut up!" I say with a nasty expression. She looks up to me, gasping at my response.

"The boats are only small, and there aren't enough by half. Half the people on this ship are going to die." I explain to Mother, and she remains quiet. Rose states at me.

"Not the better half." Rose exclaims. I look over in her direction. Her stuck up, pathetic little self really just said that.

"You know, Y/N. It's a pity I didn't keep that drawing. It'll be worth a lot more by morning." Rose added, and it made me fiery with rage. But I bit my tongue.

"You unimaginable bastard." I said to Rose. And She was. She really was. I broke my gaze first and started to walk away, but Rose grabbed my arm firmly. She squeezed my arm so tight that she was starting to pinch me.

"Ow!" I shout, swivelling around to unlock my arm from her grip.

"Where are you going? To him?!" Rose asked, shouting in my face.

"That's none of your business! You saw my note." I say, coming right up to her face. Of course, her hair and her clothes were still in perfect condition.

"Oh, I saw it alright. What, you want to go and be a whore to a gutter rat?" Rose asked, in a disgusted manner.

"I'd rather be his whore than your sister." I say, and she glared back at me. I spat right in her face, the way Jack had taught me. She fell back, pulling a silk cloth out of her pocket, that probably cost more than the 3rd class part of the ship. I ran away quickly before she could follow.

I ran around the whole top of the ship looking for Jack, he had somehow wandered off whilst I was talking to Rose. It was so busy, the news had obviously spread quickly. Everybody was hustling and bustling around the lifeboats, it was hard to tell who was who. Finally, I spotted the back of Jack's head talking to Tommy. I could recognise that figure from anywhere.

"Jack!" I bellowed above the loud scatter of passengers. He noticed me, and ran, dodging all the people around.

"Y/N! Where did you go?" He asked, cupping my face with his hands.

"I was talking to my mother and sister. Regret it, already." I state, and Jack swiped my red curls out of my face. But then, I remembered someone. Someone who had probably not been informed on the disastrous event. Trudy.

"Oh my god." I shout, pulling Jack behind me as I belt into the ship.

"Y/N, what are you doing? It could be dangerous!" Jack said, trying to stop me. I know Trudy was only a maid, but my family had put her through so much. I couldn't just leave her behind.

"I need to get Trudy." I say, and I hadn't told Jack who Trudy even was.

"Who's that?" Jack asked, whipping his hair out the way.

"She's our maid, and also someone that deserves better. She's always bossed around back and forth, and I don't know if she knows what's going on, Jack." I explain, and he understood.

I get to the room where I was staying, and I saw Trudy, making cups of tea.

"Trudy! What are you still doing down here?" I ask, concerned. My mother probably sent her down ready for her to come back to the room.

"Oh, I was just making some tea for your mother and sister. Nothing to worry about!" Trudy replied, she was so nice. I needed to tell her.

"Trudy, there's an emergency. An-and I came down from the top deck to tell you." I explain to Trudy, and she put the teapot down.

"Oh, Y/N. There is an emergency." Cal stepped in from the closet, and raised an eyebrow. He came out from nowhere. I turned to him.

"Cal, what are you still doing down here?!" I ask, he walked closer to me.

"I seem to have found a little drawing of yours that has the initials of, J.D?" Cal smirked, and held up the picture for all to see. I gulped.

"This necklace is not yours, and it is not in the safe, where I last put it. It seems to be around your neck in this sketch. I think I have the slightest idea of where it could be. Search him." Cal ordered his men into the room, and they started to pat down Jack.

What is this Cal? Cal!" I ask firmly. I started to worry.

"What now?" Jack said, lifting his arms up so they could feel for anything. I was shocked I was seeing this. But, all of a sudden, I saw the blue diamond necklace carefully get lifted out of his trouser pocket. I couldn't believe it. Would Jack steal something like that?

"This is absurd! He couldn't of, I was with him the whole time." I explained, I was panicking now. I didn't know what he was going to do with Jack.

"This is horse shit! You know I didn't do it, Y/N. Y/N! You know it!" Jack shouted, as he was being dragged away.

"Come on! There's a good lad." One of the crew officers said trying to settle him down. I heard the voices quieten as they got further away.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." Trudy rushed over to me, rubbing my arms.

"No, no Trudy. Thank you. Now go! Go up to the top deck and get in a boat." I ushered her out the door, passing her a life jacket from the cupboard.

Meet me at the Clock Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora