"Blake, if Kyla ever finds out from somebody else, she's going to be devastated. She's grown up now, she's not a baby anymore, and you guys can't keep treating her like one," I said, not knowing where I was even going with my advice.

If I were in Blake's position, I would not have known what to do either. It was already so hard for me keeping the secret from Kyla, let along for Blake who was her brother. I could see how much he cared about her, and I knew that it was all probably breaking him inside.

"I can't Ellie, I just can't," he said, his voice breaking slightly.

My chest tightened as I put my arms around him, pulling him in for a tight embrace. There was nothing else that I could say or do to help him in the situation, and being there was the only thing I knew how to do during moments like that.

I cared about Blake a lot, and I could not stand the thought that he was going through all of those things. It was already enough for him to have to deal with his father and protecting Kyla from getting hurt by people. Knowing that he had to keep that secret from her must have been the cherry on top. He did not deserve any of that.

But then again, neither did Kyla.

I hated how conflicted that entire situation made me feel. I could not betray Blake by telling Kyla, especially since it was not my place to. It was her family who needed to tell her the truth, I had no right to intervene. But I hated knowing that she was being tricked into believing something which was not the truth. Not betraying Blake, in a way, meant betraying Kyla, and I could not stand the thought of that.

"Have I ever told you that I love your hugs?" Blake asked me as his arms tightened around me.

I chuckled, shaking my head at him before I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Aww," we heard, making us quickly pull away from each other, only to see the kids staring at us.

"Your girlfriend is pretty, Blake. Do you think I can have a pretty girlfriend when I grow up?" A boy who went by the name of Jack asked Blake as he ran up to him, quickly getting on his lap.

"Of course you will buddy. Girls will be lining up to be with you," Blake told him, causing a huge grin to form on Jake's face.

"I really like her, Blake. Do you think you can bring her here more often?" Bella asked him, making my heat tighten with happiness.

"If she wants me to," Blake answered her as he looked at me with raised brows.

"Of course I'd love to come see you more," I told her before she ran up to hug me.

The feeling I got the moment I wrapped my arms around her tiny body was indescribable. I was the youngest in my family, and had never had a younger sister to give advice to. Bella was around the same age as Ethan's kids, who I barely saw ever since him and his wife Kelsey moved ages away to be closer to her job.

I loved children, and getting to have the chance to have an impact in their lives was one of the most fulfilling things ever.

"Okay kids, it's time for you all to go to bed. I think we've taken enough of Blake and Ellie's time today," Marie said, making the kids groan.

"Come on guys, Marie is right. You need your sleep, otherwise you'll be too tired to create new things," Blake said as he stood up from the bench.

"Will you sing us a new song when you come back?" Ben asked him, his eyes looking like those of a cute little puppy.

"Don't I always?" Blake winked, making Ben smile.

Begrudgingly the children all filed inside, ready to go to bed before sending a wave our way.

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