I Forgot

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Ok, so apparently, I can't remember what happened when Storm came over yesterday. Pretty much the only events I can remember are: him coming to my house talking about random stuff, asking me something but it's a little fuzzy and then I was on the living room couch saying bye to him when he left to go home. I must have been really sick. I hope he didn't try to pull some type of move on my while I was sick. I don't care who it is I just don't want people getting sick because of me.

I walked into school and, of course, the first and only person to greet me was Storm, not the usual horny, wolf during breeding season Storm, or the nice caring Storm. It was the Storm that was happy-go-lucky Storm that loved the world and all who inhabit it. I really hate that Storm, he's too nice for me.

"Hey Toby, lovely morning huh? I was just looking for you so I can ask you a very important question,like, it's super super important!" Storm was practically jumping to tell me.

"What is it then? Come one spit it out," I just want to get this over and done with.

Storm leaned in really close to whisper in my ear. I blushed a little, he's way to close.

"Where do you wanna go for our date? I want to make it the best date you've ever had, pipsqueak," he pulled away and smirked at me.

"D-don't call me "pipsqueak" dude! I told you I don't like that name! I'm not that short!" I said with embarrassment.

I don't understand why he calls me short I barely have to look up when I talk to him. I'm only up to his shoulders maybe even his chin if I'm lucky.

"So what's your answer?" He said knocking me out of my thoughts again.

"U-um, I-I don't know. Wait. What date? I don't remember even agreeing to go in a date with you! ." I'm confused. When did this happen? Like I would want to go in a date with him. I feel like I've been feeling confused a lot lately because of him.

"Toby! You're so mean, forgetting something as important as that." He looked hurt but I'm pretty sure he's just messing with me.

"I was sick, and when I'm sick I don't remember anything I say. It feels like it was all a big dream." This is becoming annoying and embarrassing. I don't even know how to feel in this situation anymore.

"Well, you said yes and you can't take it back so since next week is spring break we can do anything you want for that week, pipsqueak." He smirked again.

" Even if I did want to go on a date with you I wouldn't know where I would want to go. Well there is this one place I guess but... it's stupid," I trailed off and looked at the ground embarrassed.

" Oh? Is that so? Come on tell me, I'll do anything for you," he seemed serious when he said that.

He's not joking. I bet he would bring me to Mars if I wanted to go. The place I want to go to is a little expensive, but I don't want him to waste all his money on me.

"W-well I've never been to Six Flags because my mom never had enough money to bring me." I mumbled still looking at the ground. This is so embarrassing. He's probably going to say something like "Wow what kid hasn't gone to Six Flags by now? That's so stupid, haha!" I'll defiantly snap if he says something like that.

"Oh, Six Flags? To be honest I've never been there either, so I guess it'll be a first time experience for the both of us, huh?" He scratched the back of his head like he was embarrased. Maybe he's a little cute. 

"We'll have to find our way there with the annoying GPS on my phone then. I swear Siri doesn't even speak simple English." I tried to brighted the mood a little. He seemed to have calmed down a bit.

I'm really excited to go to Six Flags for the first time. I wish spring break would come sooner. I was smiling for the rest of the day and I got odd looks for it but I didn't care, nothing can ruin my good mood right now.

Gemini (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now