Monday at school

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It's Monday and I still can't get what happened on Saturday out of my mind. I haven't gotten out of my bed ever since then. I don't even think I can remember what the sun looks like anymore. I only ever got out of my bed to eat, go to the bathroom, and that's it, nothing else in life matters besides my phone with my music on it that also never left my side.

"Toby time for school, sweetie!" My mom said as she rushed into my room to wake me up. Even though I was already awake.

"I don't want to go to school. I can't." I responded to her in a monotoned voice.

"Come on! It'll be fun! You get to see your friends and everything!" She said in a very optimistic voice that was the complete opposite of mine. That annoyed me.

"Mom I don't want to go I... I didn't do my homework!" I protested

"Well, who's fault is that, huh? Too bad you're going to school and you're gonna like it, I don't care what you say now get ready or I'm not giving you food for breakfast."

"MOM, DON'T TAKE AWAY THE SECOND THING THAT MAKES ME HAPPY IN LIFE!!" I got ready as fast as possible and went downstairs to make sure there was food for me to devour.

"Thank God you made waffles," I sighed in relief.

"What? These are for me I made you a smoothie, now leave before you're late!"

I ran out of the kitchen with my smoothie which was good enough for now and got into my car happily. But it feels like I'm forgetting something. Something very important.
I finally got to school with a smile on my face. And then I saw it. The thing that kept me in bed all weekend. Storm. He was sitting right in front of my new parking spot that I just got on Friday. I don't want him to know that this is my car or that it's me period. Right when I was about to put my car in reverse and go home a crowd of girls swarmed around him like bees to honey. He walked away out of my spot and I drove in as unnoticeable as a car could be in this situation.

He turned around and I sunk into my seat as fast as I could so he wouldn't see me. I sat there for a while and I assumed he was gone so I got up. He was right outside my window.

"What the fuck? Back away from my car idiot!!" I yelled at him through the glass.

He signaled me to roll down the window so I rolled in down so there was no space for him to put his arm in.

"What a small car for a small guy," he whispered trough the crack.

I slammed the door open so he fell backwards and walked into school ignoring all the star I was getting.

"No one calls me " little" ok dude?" I said to him but I knew he didn't hear me but I kept walking anyway.
During 5th period I was so bored from learning this stupid stuff and hearing Storm talk nonstop about something stupid, I think he said something about a weird type of band that I never heard of or something, So I raised my hand and so did Storm at the same time. The teacher called us both.

"What is it?" The teacher asked us.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Storm and I said in perfect unison.

"Can one of you hold it?" The teacher asked again.

"No." We said again in unison. I glared at him, I knew he was doing this on purpose.

"Fine you can both go then." She said and went back to teaching.

I walked out of class as fast as possible to make sure Storm wouldn't notice my urgency. What is he gonna do to me? Don't understand that child at all. He acts all high and mighty but a total softie around others. What makes me so special? Nothing that's what. When I got to the bathroom he was already there.

"How did you-?"

"Don't try to connect me to an animal again! You spaced out in the hallway for like 2 minutes and didn't even notice? What type of animal are you then a goldfish?" annoyance in his voice.

He changed his personality again and once again I'm hating that I'm loving it.

"What's with you? In class, you are an angel then out of class you turn into a ferocious wolf that has no self-control!" I burst into anger with all the confusion that has been in my mind since I first met him.

"Toby listen I-"

"Oh, so you actually know my name huh?" I interrupted.


I stepped back a few inches. I never heard him raise his voice. Not even once. I'm pretty sure no one ever did. Oh God, this is horrifying he's going to rape me. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the wall. I knew it. He's definitely gonna rape me I know it.

Storm kissed my lips lightly which shocked me, he was forceful with this before. He hugged me and started talking into my ear. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Is this how I made him feel rejecting him all this time? Why am I crying anyways? I don't have any feelings towards him. At least I don't think I do.

He wiped a stray tear from my cheek and held my head to his chest. He started to whisper so just I could barely hear it.

"Toby... The only reason I treat you like this is because..." Storm stopped because the bell rang.

"I-I have to get to m-my next class!" I said. I pushed him away and ran out of the bathroom.

My face is on fire. I don't want to know what he was gonna say, he was acting totally different from the other two Storms I know. The one that never shuts up and never stops smiling. And the one that was as horny as a wolf during breeding season. But this one was gentle and caring and it scaring me more than the other two. More than it should.

Gemini (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now