The hallways were dark with flickering lights. The building was coming down thanks to the bombs that my team had set before all hell broke loose.

Of course, now, every good member of my team was dead.

Another round of explosions vibrated the building, catching everyone off guard. My legs shook as I almost fell onto the floor. Almost.

I took this as my opportunity.

My hand slashed back and effectively struck Silena's face. She staggered back and dropped her weapon when her hand hit the wall.

I was about to grab the gun when I noticed something.

A sign on the concrete wall had the letter B. Normally, I would've thought that it meant basement since we were in the basement of the building.

However, Annabeth had told me that a sign with 'B' on it could also indicate the boiler room, especially if it was in a basement.

A boiler room always had a second way to exit.

Damn it, Wise Girl was brilliant.

I grabbed the gun and ran towards the room.

Ethan tackled me onto the cold floor before I could make it to the boiler room. I rolled on the floor and fired my gun. Ethan was a traitor, and I was fighting for my life.

I watched Ethan groan in pain as I pushed him against the soldiers who were running towards me with weapons drawn.

The bullets almost hit me in several locations, but I managed to bolt the metal doors of the boiler room in time.

My breathing intensified as I coughed in pain.

I clutched my stomach (which was still bleeding) as I ran towards the back door. It was locked.

"No, NO," I shouted and cried.

I fired my gun at the door lock, but it was useless. The door wasn't budging, which meant that there was no way out.

I leaned against the wall in defeat.

There was nothing left to do but go out in the way I came from. However, I couldn't fight Luke, Silena, and the dozens of soldiers pounding the door.

"Jackson, you are so lucky that they want you alive. You will tell BlodgeHarm of the location of Blacksite X25," Luke roared as he smashed the door with a club.

The door splintered with a crack. It was only a matter of time.

Blacksite X25. I couldn't release that information.

I walked towards the middle of the room. The boiler room had many gas lines and machines, which were all ready to blow since the building was damaged.

Blacksite X25 held the worst terrorist leader known to mankind. Lake Valor took down WiCKeD (a massive crime syndicate) after I defeated and captured Kronos on a secret mission two years ago. I couldn't allow that monster to be released again.

I was one of the only members at Lake Valor to know the location of Blacksite X25.

I solemnly stared at the gun in my hand.

The boiler room door splintered again. In just a few seconds, the BlodgeHarm soldiers would have me. And, they'd do anything to extract the information that they wanted.

Suddenly, the craziest of plans came into my mind.

It was a plan that could result in death. There was a 99% chance that I would die. But, I was willing to die for my country.

I am a special agent for Lake Valor. I thought about my family and friends. Then, I thought about the world that I lived in.

I was not a traitor. I slowly aimed the gun out in front of me.

The BlodgeHarm soldiers burst through the door as I fired my gun at the tank in the corner of the room. It exploded with a loud bang.

The explosion hit me full blast, and my body flew back against the wall.

Midflight, Annabeth flashed into my mind.

I heard the crack that came when my skull crashed into the concrete wall. Pain exploded through my body and brain. My broken body laid flat on the floor. Blood seeped out of my body and surrounded me in a puddle.

"I love you, Wise Girl," I choked.

Slowly, Annabeth and everything else that I knew and loved faded away. Darkness consumed my empty mind and body.


I hope that everyone enjoys this story. Also, check out my other novels if you haven't already :)


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