Chapter 39

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"Those who do not move, do not notice their chains."

- Rosa Luxemburg

Five minutes later, we're in the parking spot.

One car is missing, but there are still three SUVs left, and the one farthest to the right beeps as Mikey presses a button on the stolen – I mean, borrowed – car keys.

"Shhh!" I hiss at the car and rush inside, waving at Mikey to hurry up.

No one has noticed us yet, but I don't want to stick around to give them the chance. We're closer to escaping than ever. My stomach roils and my nerves prickle from the pressure. It's not that I won't come back, because I will, I have to, but then it will be my own choice and not Phantom's. This also proves to Will that she doesn't decide what I do. It's about goddamn time she understands that.

Mikey insisted on driving. He doesn't have his license, either, but we agreed the police would be nicer to someone with no previous history with them. Just in case someone stops us. It also makes it quicker for me to run out and check the storage units. I'm not a huge fan of him driving, but at the same time we don't have time to make a discussion out of this. He can drive, hell, he's had more practice than me after driving around with his stepdad, so I can't really disagree.

Mikey fiddles with the keys. His long fingers shake and he presses his lips so hard together they turn colorless. I snag the keys from him and stick them into the ignition, twisting them until the motor roars with life.

"You as bad finding the hole with your girls as well?" I half-laugh as he puts the car into reverse.

"Hey, at least I have a girl," he says. The wheels spin against the asphalt, and we are finally on our way into the city. I can literally feel my chains fall off.

"Does that mean girlfriend?" I ask, unable to hide my surprise.

"Well... Kinda. Sorta."

"What the hell, Mikey," I snort and shake my head. "We've been here for four days and you already have a girlfriend?"

Mikey purses his lips. "So? Romeo and Juliet basically did the same thing."

"Yeah, and you know how they ended up..."

"Still the greatest love story of all time," Mikey says and tilts his chin.

"You're such a hopeless romantic."

"Hopeful romantic, thank you very much," he corrects me, and I laugh at the absurdity of his new relationship. Then I remember my own recent run-in with romance – No. Not romance. Kissing. One kiss. No big deal. At least I can blame it on being drunk. Drunk-ish. For a second, I consider telling Mikey everything, but why would I if it doesn't mean anything?

I lean my head against the window and try to swallow my heart back down into my chest.

"Where is Katia, though?" I ask to get my mind over on something else. Better to hear Mikey gush about Katia than be stuck in my own head. "Haven't seen her in a little while."

"She had to go home to her family yesterday. Her grandpa is sick and she was really stressed out about it." Mikey exhales. "She said she would come back today. I think she had to meet someone to show them the anti-cam as well. Probably some high-tech company that wants to buy it."

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