Chapter 16

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"Are you insane?"

Mikey jumps out of his chair, fists curled at his side. He sounds more scared than angry, his voice breaking at the end of his sentence, but that doesn't stop him. "You can't do that!"

Regina isn't affected by his outburst. She barely offers him a glance before she continues, "We made this as a plan B in case people refuse to cooperate, thus we created the virus to go along with the biochips."

Her tone is so tepid it scares me. Who talks about these things like they're an everyday occurrence?

"Don't give me that look. Of course we created a vaccine as well. It will be pre-installed into the biochips, and when the biochip connects with the brain, the vaccine is automatically released into the body. Can you imagine a better first impression? The people won't know what really happened or why, but they will love their biochips once they get them."

Mikey slumps back into his chair like the air was punched out of him.

I don't know much about viruses or vaccines, but I do know that this plan is insane.

"I don't understand... You're gonna infect everyone to make them get the chip? Like, you're being serious?" I ask, grinding my teeth. It hits me that they must have tested the virus on me. My voice turns into ice along with my blood. "Is that why I was in quarantine?"

"Clever boy." Regina raises her eyebrows in approval. "The vaccine worked and you are perfectly healthy now, as will everyone be when they implant their biochips."

"This... This is illegal. It is—It's inhumane." Mikey breathes heavily. "You can't force people by infecting them!"

Regina smirks. "Why, no one is being forced. Viruses spread all the time. It's one of evolution's best tricks, really. The NIC will be there to help people recover, simple as that. We'll show them exactly how powerful technology can be."

"People will know you did this," he continues in a stronger voice. "The truth always comes out, no matter how much money or lies you use to cover it up."

"Why does it matter?" Regina shrugs. "It will already be too late if that happens. Everybody is presented with the same choice, and the NIC has nothing to do with their decisions. That's how life works. Survival of the fittest."

"My father... Did he-—" I cut myself off, swallowing the rest of words as my chest tightens. But it's too late.

Regina nods once and I grab the armrests to stop the room spinning.

My father has never been the best person in the world, but this... This is sick. Disgusting. Regina's answer tells me everything I need to know. Everything I already knew, deep down. He is a horrible human being.

"It's quite sweet, isn't it? Your father started this and now you will help us finish it."

"Fuck you," I spit out as the shock turns into anger. How can they do this? How could he do this? "I won't help you do shit."

"Charles," she sighs. "I have tried to be polite with you in hopes that you would eventually understand our cause. I have explained everything and answered your every question, yet you refuse to cooperate. Your behavior simply leaves me no choice."

My eyes widen and I glance at Mikey. If she's willing to infect an entire country, I'm sure she won't hesitate to kill two kids. We're nothing but spit in the ocean to her.

"Listen closely because I will only tell you this once," she says.

I clench my teeth so hard together it hurts.

"I will be lenient and give you a week to reevaluate. Consider this a show of good faith. I want us to be able to work together, Charles, and I want you to be the face of Project HALO. But if you continue to be difficult, I will release the virus and Norway's fate will fall upon your shoulders." She looks at Mikey. "Both of yours."

"But I don't have it!" I yell in desperation. Even if I have the key, I have no idea where the flash drive is or if I can find it within a week. Rapid panic bubbles in my chest.

"Seven days."

"You'll release the virus even if you don't have the drive? But... How will people get the vaccine?" Mikey throws his hands out, his brown cheeks turning darker.

"Finally you understand my point. They won't. Not unless you bring it to me." She turns and walks back to her chair. "If you fail to deliver, it will be your fault that the Vaade virus is released."

"Will it... Will it kill people?" I ask in a voice weaker than I'd normally allow. Her answer won't make much of a difference. Even if it only makes people sick, I don't want to be the cause of that. I just hope that's all it does.

Regina's answer threatens to stop my heart. "Yes, eventually."

That means I'd be dead if my chip didn't work. They put my fucking life on the line, and Regina will do the same to all Norwegians. The people of Norway will die if I don't find the flash drive.

Both me and Mikey seem to have lost our tongues.

I concentrate on calming my breathing. The key feels like it's about to combust under my heel. Will she change her mind if I give it to her? Will she believe me if I tell her everything I know?

I can't.

I bury my head into my hands. I can't hand her the key. Even if I gave it to her, she would never withhold the virus. It doesn't make sense that they'd spend years developing something they never meant to use. That's bad business, and this is my father's company. No way they'd throw away years of work.

I clench my jaw and lift my gaze to meet Regina's.

"Seven days," I say. "That's all we get?"

"Let's see." Regina grabs a small calendar from her desk and flicks through it. "Seven days, but we'll make the seven days count from tomorrow, the 31st, yes? That way it's more like seven and a half days. Bring the flash drive to me by the 7th of June, and I won't release the virus."

"Charlie, are you serious?" Mikey hisses, but he's more than smart enough to understand. He knows about the key. He could have told her about it, but he hasn't. Even if his loyalty doesn't lie with Pratt, he would never allow the NIC to infect Norway, whether it was with a virus or with chips.

"Fantastic. We have a deal, boys," Regina smiles like we've agreed to meet her for dinner, and not like she just threatened us and the entire nation. "I'll have the Detectors take you home." She pushes a button on her phone and asks for two of them to come to her office. "I look forward to seeing you on the 7th."

"That's not necessary," I say, having to force every word out. "We can walk."

I'd rather walk on hot coal than sit in the back of that van again.

"Nonsense." Regina walks to open the door and the Detectors walk inside. "Escort the boys home, please."

They nod and Regina waves for me and Mikey to come over. We hesitantly get to our feet. When we cross the threshold, there's no turning back. We have to find the flash drive or... There is no other choice. We have to find it, and then we have to figure out where Regina is holding Dr. Pratt. All within one week. My pulse quickens at the thought.

"I hope you do the right thing," Regina says with a pat on my shoulder. I tense under her touch and almost twist away, but I don't want to risk shortening the deadline by offending her.

"I will," I say, and leave out the fact that we have very different ideas of what the right thing is.

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