Rule Five- Reeling Him In

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Rule Five- Reeling Him In

A.K.A. Twisting him around your little finger

He likes you by now, but you're still waiting for him to ask you out. What do you do?

Imagine he's a fish. He's nibbled, now he's bitten. You have to snatch him back to the surface! Some like to ease the fish out gently. First-timers can try enveloping him until you're the only thing he thinks about. Some seize them. For those experienced girls, who are certain that they won't be coming on too strong, seizing quickly is the way to go, especially if they just want to get things over and done with.

Like all of the rules, do what works best for you. Just make sure that by the end, he's flopping on the ground, begging for more.

Sitting on the couch in front of the TV, I smile at how well my plan is going. Jason has manoeuvred himself next to me, while Helena is on my other side, hugging Hugh's arm. We're watching some scary horror movie, and Helena hates it.

I take inspiration, and as soon as there is a semi-scary part, I bury my face into Jason's shoulder.

He seems to enjoy this, and strokes my hair in a comforting way. I relax into his touch, and scoot closer to him.

I look up at the exact moment the murderer kills some-one, and a gory ghost appears. I squeal quietly.

"You find it really scary, huh?" Jason asks.

"Yes," I say truthfully. I can't stand horror movies. "Thanks for being my cushion." Helena has snatched them all to make a nest.

"It's okay," he answers, and pulls me so I'm half on his lap. Spotting an opportunity, I drape my arm around him, just as he puts his arm around my waist.

Hugh is oblivious, attempting to calm Helena down.

"You're a very comfortable cushion," I compliment. Cushion? I think inside. That it a terrible compliment.

"And you're a very good...sitter?" Jason tries. "We should do this more often."

"Is that an invitation?" I laugh, while inside I'm thinking 'did he call my butt fat and therefore non bony? Did he?'

"Would you say yes?" He questions.

"It depends what you're inviting me to," I smile.

"I think I would be asking you out," Jason whispers.

"Then I think it would be a yes," I breathe.

"Then, will you go out with me?" He asks.

"Yes," I grin.

I could almost shout for joy.


ALL THE CHAPTERS ARE SHORT OKAY??? It would make us really happy if you voted and/or commented, and we may even upload faster (hehehe). If that isn't incentive enough, if we get TWO (yes, just two) votes on every chapter, the next chpater will be two pages long. And it's the date chapter. It's the only part that has a date in full detail, because we're just so lazy.

Also, I can't help but feel that the spaces are huge. It isn't on word, which is funny. Ho hum. How do you remove spaces? Should I remove the spaces? Should I have even bigger spaces? Yes, I am just blatantly begging for feedback. Look at what you've done Wattpad. Look at what you've done.

By the way, the video has nothing to do with the story, but it fits with the fish analogy. Oh yes. I use big words like "analogy" now. Go me.

Happy New Year's Eve, and possibly New Year if you're in Australia, or in a different timezone. Yes. I fail at Geography.


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