Thinking that what he wanted to say wasn't too important, Mr Jung left the hospital, not helping to suppress a smile; who knew that they were dating? He thought to himself as he let out a soft chuckle.

»»—— ——««

Feeling his smirk against his cheek, Beomgyu placed a hand at the back of the boy's neck, pulling their bodies in closer as their lips moved slowly in sync. Taehyun ran his fingers through Beomgyu's ash-blonde hair, making the latter feel his body shudder slightly in pleasure.

He placed a hand on Beomgyu's back as Taehyun slowly pushed the male onto the bed, their lips still connected. His face was blocking the ceiling light above, yet, he still managed to look good in such an unflattering pose as Beomgyu could feel his cheeks slowly turning pink.

"You like the view?" Chuckled Taehyun. Beomgyu couldn't help but let out a soft giggle as well as he replied with an "mhm."

"What would you like for dinner?" Taehyun asked as repositioned himself to sitting on the edge of the bed. A part of Beomgyu wished that moment would last longer— he chose to ignore that.

"Hmmm, pizza?" he replied.

"Pizza it is then, I'll have a look at the restaurants downstairs," said Taehyun, delivering a light kiss on Beomgyu's forehead before leaving the room.

»»—— ——««

Half an hour later, Taehyun walked into the room with a savoury aroma following his presence as he held up a plastic bag of two boxed pizzas. He assembled everything onto the single table Beomgyu had in his room as he gestured him to help himself.

"Thank you," said Beomgyu.

"Anything for you," replied Taehyun coolly, making Beomgyu's heart flutter a little by how smooth that was.

"By the way," said Beomgyu, "how are things with you and Yeonjun? You too definitely seem closer than the last time I saw you guys in school."

Taehyun blinked at him. "We're friends— no, acquaintances," he corrected quickly. Beomgyu couldn't help but laugh aloud as he replied, "you two seem to have a great friendship," he smiled.

"Pfft, as if," retorted Taehyun, rolling his eyes as he took another bite of his pizza slice.

"Any recent homework that has been assigned to us?" Asked Beomgyu, "I've finished most of last week's," he continued as he pointed to the stack of books on his left.

"No, not really— why do you ask?"

"I'm just bored," said Beomgyu with a sigh. It took Taehyun 10 seconds to remember that Beomgyu wasn't given a phone and surely he'd get bored just loitering around in the hospital all day.

"Oh my goodness— how could I forget?" Taehyun spluttered as he placed a palm on his forehead in frustration. "I'm going to bring you a laptop tomorrow so that you won't get too bored while staying here," he said.

"No, I can't accept it," spoke Beomgyu, shaking his head. "You've already done so much for me, and I just can't—"

"I insist," Taehyun interrupted with a wink as he placed a finger onto Beomgyu's lips. Just before he could open his mouth to come up with a retort, a knock on the door was heard as Mrs Kang stepped into the room.

"Mother!" Exclaimed Taehyun, getting up to greet her.

"Hi Taehyun," she smiled. "Beomgyu, how are you?"

"Good, thank you for visiting me, by the way," he replied, beaming at her.

"How can I not? You're like a second son to me, speaking of which, I brought some side dishes I made— just in case you get hungry. Let me help you store it in the fridge," Mrs Kang spoke as she held out a cloth bag that was filled with mini containers.

"Thank you," Beomgyu replied.

"I also brought another surprise with me," she said with a grin as she whipped out what seemed to be a brand new phone still in its box.

"For you," Mrs Kang continued, reading Beomgyu's expression of disbelief. "Taehyun has told me about how you haven't gotten a phone yet."

"I really appreciate it, Mrs Kang, but how can I—"

"It has already been registered under your name," she interrupted with a grin, implying that there's no possible way for Beomgyu to talk his way out of this one. The least Beomgyu could do to express his gratitude was to accept it, which he did as he thanked Taehyun's mother.

"I'll leave you two alone then," Mrs Kang spoke. "Wishing you a speedy recovery, Beomgyu," she said with another graceful smile before walking out of the room as the two bid their goodbyes.

"Taehyun," spoke Beomgyu once Mrs Kang was out of an earshot. "How do I start this?" he asked, holding up his new phone.

»»—— ——««

Settling next to Beomgyu, he helped him switch his phone on while explaining the basic functions of it, like how to connect it to the wifi, or how to restart it. Taehyun then gave him his phone number, in which Beomyu saved him as "Loveable Cutie Taehyun".

"What will you save me as?" asked Beomgyu eagerly.

"Hmmm, you'll never know," smiled Taehyun, holding his phone behind his back. "Try calling me if you really want to know." Beomgyu instantly scrambled for the "call" button as he clicked on Taehyun's contact. A ring was heard as Taehyun lifted his phone to show the contact name: "Precious Beomgyu". 

"I don't know if I should cringe or be touched," joked Beomgyu as he laughed softly.

"Hey, then what's with 'Loveable Cutie Taehyun'?"

"Shall I change it then?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"NO, I'M PERFECTLY FINE WITH IT!" Said Taehyun quickly.

Letting out a happy sigh, Beomgyu laid back down on his bed as he felt a figure settling next to him as well. Taehyun placed a hand over the latter's shoulder as Beomgyu comfortably rested his head onto his extended arm.

"Aren't you going to head back home?" He asked, eyeing the clock which read 8:23 pm.

"Soon," Taehyun replied, pulling in the boy closer as Beomgyu nestled comfortably in his arms.

The Boy Next Door | Taegyu ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang