Family Camping Trip Part 2

Start from the beginning

After we were dressed, we went back to the living room and JJ said, "sissy! I dressed like you!" then turned in a circle to show me.

I laughed and said, "wow! You did a good job!" then kissed her head and grabbed her and Alex's hands. She had her purple Converse on (she finally out grew the ones I got her so she made me buy her a new pair), her favorite shirt I got her, and a flannel tied around her waist.

Dad came out of his room and said, "everyone ready to go?"

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Dad came out of his room and said, "everyone ready to go?"

We all said yeah and started to walk to the door. When we got outside, there was a plane flying and I remembered I used to always wave at them when I was little so I said, "look kids! There's a plane, you gotta wave to them!"

Every kid, including West and Maison, stood around me and started waving and smiling. I heard a phone camera sound after like 30 seconds and turned around to see Mom had taken a picture. I smiled and asked to see it and she showed me as we started walking toward the trail.

Alex POV

Once we got on the trail, all the kids except West and Maison wanted to walk with/be with Mackenzie so I hung back and let them surround her. Right away, Zepp asked to be held and JJ grabbed onto Kenzie's arm the best she could and Shep held her other hand. Jared and Gen, being the most active out of us all, were in the front, Jensen and Danneel were behind them, then Kenz and the kids, myself behind them, Misha and Vicki behind me, and West and Maison kinda went wherever.

Every few minutes, one of the kids would stop to pick up a rock or something they found on the ground or if they saw something pretty. Kenz would always stop with them and turn her focus to only them. Then, she'd act like the most interested person ever and the way her face lit up was amazing. She got so excited and happy whenever she talked about them and it was so beautiful. I loved the way she was with them and that they made her so happy; whenever she was happy, I was happy. If this was how she was with them, I couldn't wait to see how she acted when we had our own kids.

The trail took about an hour and a half to get through because of the kids but, it wasn't too bad.

When we got back to the cabin, Jared said, "so what's next buddy?"

Jensen said, "I was thinking we could go eat lunch in town and then take the kids to the aquarium annnnnnd after that, go to dinner."

Jared said, "sounds good to me. What about y'all?"

Everyone nodded then Jensen said, "okay cool. Does anyone need anything from the cabin or are we okay to leave?"

We all said we were good and started walking to the cars. Kenz helped get everyone in the car seats then I said, "hey fiancée, you wanna ride with me?"

She said, "yeah sure. Hang on," and started to say bye to everyone.

As she hugged Jensen, he said, "be safe. I'm proud of you. Love you."

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