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Lee Jia POV

I accepting a full breath as I understood I was going near to get back home. Indeed, I just walking back home since I didn't have any cash to take a taxi since I just had my phone, and I'm certain they were stressed over me since I wasn't home for longer than 60 minutes. I have no clue if Jimin is home now or on the off chance that they are as yet in the dormitory with the others, what occurred before was truly humiliating, I didn't think it was Jungkook's home.

However, I was likewise dazzled, in only a couple months he had a major house. Possibly, when I didn't have a lot of tirelessness he particularly so he had such a house. In any case, not failing to remember what happened earlier among us, I couldn't resist the opportunity to think what was the motivation behind why he appeared to detonate out of resentment at me. At the point when I turned right I saw that there was a dark vehicle infront the house, and I realized it belongs to Jimin. I enlivened my speed towards the entryway, however before I could go into the house I heard an uproarious voices that was coming from inside the house.

"Why did you leave her alone, what if something happened to her, did you forget that Jia was pregnant? when something bad happens to her, you won't like what I do!"

I gradually opened the entryway when I heard them battling inside the house, this is my first time I heard Jimin's irate voice repeating inside his home. I unobtrusively shut the entryway behind me as I gradually followed the voices I was hearing, I felt frightened, anxious as they kept on battling with one another coming from inside the living room.

"Jimin, we didn't mean to leave her!" 

I heard Jihye's uproarious crying voice coming from inside the lounge, I quickly felt pity and nervousness when I heard that Jihye and Jimin were battling a result of me. I took off my coat and I snared my coat on the coat snares close to the entryway before I strolled towards the lounge room to take a gander at the two battling, yet I was halted when I found before me Jimin holding a key of his vehicle that he ought to escape the house. I could find in his face that he appeared to detonate out of resentment, his temple wrinkled, his eyes glazed and darkening . Be that as it may, when he saw me before him, his demeanor quickly changed and was supplanted by concern.

Indeed, even before I could talk, he quickly moved toward me and embraced me firmly while brushing my hair, I was significantly more miserable on the grounds that I was so guilty on the grounds that I made them worried over me.

"Where have you been, I'm so worried." Worried that Jimin said before he glanced me in the face as he held my two cheeks with his two hands, I took a gander at him with guilty all over my face on the grounds that I was sad to believe that they were battling a result of me. I shook my head as tears trickled down my cheek before I covered my face once more into his chest as I embraced him firmly.

"I'm so-sorry." I apologize for my misfortune prior yet Jimin just shushed me as he stroked my back to quiet me down, I couldn't say whether I'm crying too blameworthy in light of the fact that Jimin and Jihye are now stressed and battling with me , or likewise on account of what befell Jungkook and me earlier. Be that as it may, genuinely I didn't have a clue how I planned to feel previously, I couldn't say whether I was irate, I was dismal, or I was hurt. However, it's significant since I'm home and I'm with Jimin and Jihye, I don't need to worries over Jimin any longer since he's home once more.

"J-Jia." I heard Jihye's voice, I quickly let go of Jimin's embrace and turned behind Jimin where Jihye was remaining across the living room looking dismal and stressed, I took a gander at Jimin again as he sighed deeply. I smiled without staying my teeth out at him before I went to Jihye and I embraced her firmly.

"It's alright, I'm home." I said as I heard her crying on my shoulder as I embraced her, I truly feel extremely awful with them both, particularly to Jihye. This is my first time that I saw them that both of them battled and I was the one they were contending with.

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