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Lee Jia POV

I'm so sad because I didn't say what I had to say to Jungkook last night, but I can't be angry with him because what comes out of his mouth is so insulting. I don't know why I can't be angry, I can't hurt him. Is it because I still love him and I can not accept what happened to the two of us?

I sighed as I looked out the car window, now we were going to the Airport. I was with Jimin driving the car and Jihye sleeping in the back. This is the beginning of my life alone, no problem on man. Maybe I just need to accept, for my own good.

I know this is the hardest day for Jihye and me, because this is the day we will be apart for a few months. We get used to being together every day, we never argue over things. We treat each other like sisters, so we can't be separated from each other because we love each other so much.

"Are you okay, Jia?" I went back to my senses, the car stopped when I noticed that the traffic light had turned red. I turned to Jimin when I heard his voice. He looked at me as he raised his eyebrows, grabbed the steering wheel and leaned back in his seat.

"I-i'm fine." I answered as I nodded my head at him, he smiled a little at me before he nodded. I also smiled before I turned back to the window again, I sighed when I noticed that we were close to the airport.

"Don't forget to eat at the right time, take care of yourself." I heard Jimin say, when the traffic light turned green, Jimin immediately drove away. I turned to him as he was driving the car, I smiled and nodded at what he said.

"Just call me always when you are not okay. "Jimin said while looking straight into my eyes, I nodded at him. I heard him sigh before turning to Jihye who was sleeping.

"We're here." Jimin said as he tapped Jihye, I turned outside and we were across the airport. I took a deep breath while looking at the entrance of the airport where there are people coming in, this is the day I will leave here the problems to be forgotten. I will rest and have fun with my parents, when everything is okay with me. I will be back here, for my loved ones, especially Jihye and Jimin.

I got out of the car when Jimin opened the door, I looked at him and smiled before standing next to Jihye as Jimin took out my luggage inside the car. Before I entered the airport I faced Jihye who was looking at me while there were tears dripping down her cheeks.

"I will miss you immediately, you know this is the second day we will be separated from each other again. "Jihye said sadly, I smiled at her as I held back my tears.

"That's okay, I'll be back in a few months. You can call me whenever you want. "I explained as she wiped her tears on her cheek, I turned to Jimin as he stood next to Jihye while holding my luggage to his right side.

"You may be late for your flight, it's 8:50. You need to go inside, Jia." Jimin said with sadness in his eyes, Jihye immediately hugged me tightly as she sobbed. I could not hold back my tears and they immediately fell on my cheek, I did not think it was too sad that I would leave them here. Even though I was only there for a few months, I did not seem to be returning with so much sadness.

When Jihye released me I immediately went to Jimin and hugged him tightly on his shoulder as he hugged me tightly around my waist. He caressed my back when he heard me sniffing because I was crying so much, even though Jimin and I hadn't been together that long. But I was very comfortable with him, I immediately fell in love with him like an older brother because he took great care of me like his own sister.

"Take care of yourself, and that baby inside your belly. "Jimin said after we released ourselves to each other, I smiled at him as I nodded. He kissed my forehead while he held both my cheeks before he bent down and pecked my stomach making my heart flutter to what he did.

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