Elise: That's true, Agatha. But...maybe mother hopes for us to bring magic back humanity?

Hilda: What makes you think that?

Elise: I overheard her talk about it to father a bit after I showed them my magic. Father sounded....upset though.

Last Sister: Why was Daddy upset, Elise?

Elise looks the bed beside Hilda's to see her youngest sister. This sister had platinum blonde hair and a tanned skin complexion like their father, but reddish eyes like their mother, though a bit lighter. She was playing with a toy that looked like a dog.

 She was playing with a toy that looked like a dog

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Elise: I don't know, Circe. It could be because he doesn't like the idea of us being used like breeders or something. It does have me worried though.

Agatha: I'm sure you're just overthinking it, Elise. Mom wouldn't make us do something to that extent.

Elise: Maybe...

Hilda: Well, I'm gonna get some sleep.

Agatha: Yeah, King Harald is coming tomorrow. We should be presentable and awake.

Circe: Especially you, big sister. That Prince Richard seemed to like you last time he was here. Maybe you can also show off your magic when you see him.

Elise blushed slightly with a smirk as she rolls her eyes while her sisters giggled before laying on their pillows to go to sleep.

Elise: Good night, sisters.

Sisters: Good night.

Elise laid down as well before using some of her magic to create some wind that blows out the candles. She closes her eyes for several minutes as she tried to sleep. However, her mind was racing due to curiosity on her magic. So she quietly got up and out of bed and quietly made her way to the bookshelf in the bedroom and used her magic to create a light sphere that helps her see, but not too bright so it doesn't wake her sisters.

Elise grabs one book that her mother wrote regarding magic and sat down on nearby chair and started reading it with enthusiasm for a couple hours. Eventually, this reading would be interrupted when the bedroom door opens, causing Elise to look up. She sees a man with platinum blond hair, tanned complexion, and brown(?) eyes walks in. He was clearly anxious and distressed.

 He was clearly anxious and distressed

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