Comfort room

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Hey you guys....

I have been inactive lately because of school i am sorry.

So i thought of having a small chit chat here because i miss yall so much <3

Lets talk about something that is bothering yall.

As for me today at school in English class we were doing this thing where everyone chooses someone and write a positive thing about his/her personality

Unfortunately no one wrote anything about me :)

I dont really know if they dont like me enough to the extend that no one thought about writing anything or that they find nothing positive in me i dont really know ;-;

I dont know how i should feel or should i even care about this but anyways i am all good i guess it just hurts that when i thought i made a good friend group no one shows that they actually care. They just keep saying that no one loves me eventho i know they are joking it just hits a spot inside me ;-;

Anyways how about yall? I wanna hear ur problems if u have any i am all ears guys <3:

Take care plz dont let anyone bring u down.

Ily <333

Her~Hwang sunohWhere stories live. Discover now