Chapter 5

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"I- i-ofc not what are u talking about?" He denied looking everywhere but the girl's eyes. A habit he does when he was lying.

Y/n had seen right through him. "So what i saw was right" she said smirking in satisfaction as she placed her head between her palms looking at the guy infront of her.

"Whatever u saw was nothing i dont like like jieun no way" he said still trying to lie "to start with ur a terrible liar and u cant control feelings or who u'll fall for so dont deny it....ur secret is safe with me" she said smiling reassuringly

"Good" he said looking down while fiddling with his fingers "so u do like her" y/n said and he nodded "i do....i have always had. She is really special and pretty and.....but its wrong. She is sunoh's girlfriend i-i dont stand a chance" he said looking down again

"Nonsense everyone stand a chance even if its 0.001%" y/n said making him look up.

The two got home after having lunch and stopped by a stuffed animal machine cuz y/n was being the softie she is.

She had gotten comfortable around dohyun and she found him an interesting character. She liked having conversations with him and she felt like they are going go get along well.

They entered the house with y/n holding a stuffed pink unicorn in her hand. Walking towards the living room they caught the couple's attention who were watching some drama on TV.

"Oh u guys are back" jieun said smiling at her two friends "yea" dohyun replied as they both made their way towards the living room joining the other too.

Y/n sat down on the couch stretching her leg on the table while dohyun sat beside her.

"So where were u both at" jieun started "ah we had dinner then she was practically crying for this so we stopped by and got her it" dohyun said pointing at the unicorn in y/n's hand.

Y/n was about to protest when the TV cut her off "breaking news new app alarm is a newly released app. U sync ur heart with the app and it rings each time ur around the person u like" the reporter said making y/n scoff at the bullshit she just heard while jieun squealed

"Lets download it" she said getting her phone out "are u shitting me rn" y/n asked looking at her oh-so-called older member.

"No its quite fun to yk expose u around the one u like instead of u being stone like" jieun pointed out "well it wont ring cuz there is no one i like" y/n said and jieun ignored her.

"I aint downloading that either" dohyun said looking at y/n who nodded. They both knew better he download that and he gets exposed right here right now.

"You guys are no fun....why do u want to hide whoever ur feelings are for" jieun said eyeing the two making y/n give in.

"Tht shit wont ring no one's and u'll see" she said getting her phone out and downloading the app much to jieun's satisfaction.

Once they downloaded it...they all opened it. After syncing their hearts with the app jieun and sunoh's
phones went off "someone within 10 meters radius loves u" its said making them squeal.

"Anyways wht do we have to do tmw y/n?" Jieun asked and y/n shrugged "not sure if we have anything" she said "lets go to the karaoke place then" she said and the other nodded

"Cool am going to sleep bai" she said as she made her way to her bedroom

She felt bad for dohyun.....the way he smiled sadly when the couples's alarm rang made y/n's heart ache at the sight.

Love sure is hard....

Ayo you released the love alarm season 2 trailer ayeee.

I thought about sharing my thoughts with u cuz why not🙃

So somehow jojo's name disappeared from the list of the people who will like hye-young...and in the trailer that scene came after she and sunoh kissed again.

Jojo tho might have rang hye-young's alarm. But she still likes sunoh ig, or both? She said she doesnt know who she likes like umm...u have been trying to figure that out for a whole damn season and u still dont know tf-...i honestly feel bad for sunoh😫😫

Sunoh best boy deserves happiness and if thts not what he gon get, i'll fly to korea and choke the director and script writer to death🤚🏻🤚🏻

Anyways lets discuss this matter shall we? Let me know what u think about season2 and ur predictions on what will happen :)

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