Chapter 26

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Day 2.

Y/n...still not back.

Jungkook and sunoh....worried.


Dohyun.....comforting her,overall worried.

The concert was tomorrow and she still wasnt back.

Worry was everything that can be sensed in a room while emptiness is what is felt in another.

Y/n who had aimlessly roamed around the place for a day for literally no reason decided to go back. She anyways had a convert and she cant let her fans down.

Night came and the group had been sitting worry allover their faces. A couple more hours and its the concert and y/n didnt show up yet.

After what seemed like forever y/n had made her way in the room catching their attention. "Y/n" jungkook shouted as he ran towards her and embraced her in a tight hug. She slowly processed everything and started hugging him back.

Looking over his shoulder she saw sunoh with his eyes full of worry same goes dohyun and  jieun?

"Are u hurt? Did anything happen to u? Tell me if anyone hurt u and i'll-" jungkook started but was cut off by y/n smiling and shaking her head no. "I am fine jungkook-ah" she said bur he didnt buy it.

"U sure nothing is hurt" he said checking her face and neck then his eyes stopped on her fists. "What happened to these" he asked worried.

She had totally forgotten that her fists got hurt when she was beating the guys up. She quickly wrapped her hands around his torso burying her face in his neck.

"Its nothing dont worry" she whispered. He was taken a back by her sudden hug as she never hugged him before.

"Are u okay?" He asked as his hands slowly snaked around her tiny waist. A soft giggle left her mouth as she nodded into his neck sending shivers down his spine.

"Yes is it wrong for me to hug my boyfriend? Didnt u ask me to date u for five days? Thats what couples do" she said making him smile widely and hold her tightly against his chest.

After a while they pulled away and he asked to take care of her bruised fists but she just said its fine. Jieun being the mom she is insisted that she  will be the one to treat it.

Much to y/n's disapproval she dragged her towards the kitchen and sat her down on the counter.

"Ik that out of all people u wouldnt tell me what happened but i just wanted to say that i am sorry...i got taken away i shouldnt have let my stupid feelings for a boy do this to out friendship y/n-ah" jieun apologized while looking down at y/n's fists treating them.

Y/n who had missed her unnie so much embraced her in a tight hug. Letting her tears and emotions show. She knew that her unnie will understand her just by the hug and she knew that she forgave her.

After treating y/n's fists jungkook had insisted to tug y/n in her bed. She tried putting his offer down politely but it was no use.

Jungkook had stayed a while beside y/n's bed until he made sure she was asleep. Or at least the thought so before started speaking.

"I know damn well that i will end up hurt like before but i  cant help it but fall deeper for u y/n. Is it really that hard to love me back? Each time u look at me I know that ur thinking of him. Hell i know that after these 5 days are over i'll get hurt but i cant seem to let u go? Why cant u just love me back." He spoke thinking that she was asleep but was surprised by a voice talking back to him.

"I am trying jungkook-ah but i-its just that i cant control who i fall for. I tried looking at u more than a best friend but i just cant" she said beginning to tear up.

"If these five days would really hurt u then lets end this. I wanted to make u happy but i just- if its going to hurt u then lets end it all here and go back to being friends if u want" she added crying by now.

"No i want these five days. I need them. I understand that u love him but at least in these five days keep ur attention on me please" he said crying aswell and she nodded.

"Ight but stop crying u look ugly" she said attempting to make the mood lighter and she succeeded.

"Yes ma'am sleep well" he said and heard her hum before exiting the room.

He found sunoh standing infront of the door he just smiled sadly at him before patting his shoulder.

"Take good care of her hyung. Dont hurt her nor make her cry. Her tears are so precious and she deserves the whole world" he told him before making his way towards the room leaving sunoh in his place.

Ayo ppl hope yall are doing good. So here is the promised chapter. I am sorry i am just so busy but i try planning chapters in my head to make it easier to write em down.

Once i am ready with the next chapter I'll update asap.

Also screw grammys. They are so racist and its so sad how disgusting they are. But am still proud of my boys for making it this far. Its a win for us and as joon said "if we didnt win the grammys its okay we have u and thats all we need"

Take care guys and stay healthy and hydrated :3


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