Chapter 15

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"Unnie we need to talk" y/n said and jieun nodded making her way towards y/n.

When they entered the room, y/n locked it before making her way towards her bed beside jieun.

"Whats wrong y/n? U are making me worried" jieun said as she held y/n's hand. Y/n looked down at their hands before sighing.

"Jieun-ah u wouldnt hate me for whatever i did right?" Y/n asked tears forming in her eyes "yes y/n i would never hate u whats wrong" jieun said wiping her tears away.

"naneun hwangsun-oh joh-ahanda" ( i like Hwang Sunoh" y/n said looking down. Too ashamed to look at her unnie.

"U what?" Jieun said after some minutes of silence. "I am sorry jieun-ah i-i dont know how-" but she got cut off by a slap. Jieun slapped her. No one ever slapped her but her unnie did

"Get out i dont wanna see u. And if i ever see u around him i wouldnt hesitate to beat u up y/n" jieun said and y/n just nodded going towards the door.

She went downstairs still crying her eyes out "whats wrong y/n are u ok" dohyun asked and she just nodded not looking at him. "She is fine she just got some problems." Jieun said leaning against the staircase

"Take care u guys" y/n said before shutting the door behind her.

Once y/n arrived at jungkook's she was still crying which made him worried but she said she was fine and that she just needa rest.

The next day y/n woke up early,trained hard then went back to bed. This was literally almost what y/n did everyday for the past week.

Not until she recieved a call from her manager telling her to be at his office in an hour.

She sighed, she has just finished training and she went to take a shower. During the past week y/n had lost alot of weight. She became skinnier than she was but to be honest even hotter.

She had taken a strange interest in this type of fashion lately

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She had taken a strange interest in this type of fashion lately. Maybe staying with a mafia gang is the reason? She never knew but she liked it.

She was kinda late so once she arrived at the company she ran all the way to the office.

She once again barged inside without even knocking catching everyone's attention. Jieun,dohyun,sunoh and her manager were inside. She felt awkward facing jieun and the others but she acted professionally and ignored their presence.

"Sorry i am late" She said as she made her way to sit in a seat somehow away from the others and her manager nodded.

He then examined her appearance but his eyes stopped at her wrapped in bandages hand "what happened to ur hand" the manager asked pointing to her hand.

The others had looked at her waiting for her answer "oh this its nothing serious dont worry it'll heal soon anyways" she said not wanting to mention that she was having an intense fight with a mafia leader during practice.

"Ok so u guys will be going on tour. Ur first concert is in two days in seoul. U'll be going to 17 countries 2 concerts in each country" he said and y/n nodded while jieun's jaw was on the floor

"Aint that too much" she asked but the manager shook his head "no its just right btw y/n ur scheduled for a couple photoshoot tomorrow" he said turning to y/n who just nodded "with?" She asked

"Felix from stray kids also some director wanted u to appear in his drama with cha eunwoo would u like to" the manager asked and she smiled so widely.

Y/n has always liked eunwoo other than being handsome as hell she thought he was so cool.

"Oppa is that even a question you know how much i love eunwoo ofc i would like to" she said and the manager chuckled before nodding "arasso arasso i'll inform him but dont be late for ur shoot tomorrow 12 pm sharp" he said

"Nae oppa gamsahabnida" she bowed still smiling. She hasnt smiled like that for the past week if we are to be honest.

"Okay u guys can go" he said and they all left the office.

Y/n was a little faster than the others "y/n" dohyun called out making her look at him. He made his way up to her,hugging her "i missed u" he said and she hugged him back chuckling "how u been buddy" she asked and he nodded "good how about you? And what happened to ur arm" he asked holding her arm and checking it out "its fine just a non serious injury"

He was about to talk but her phone cut him off "nae yoongi oppa?" She said as she picked up the phone and then nodded "arasso be right there" she said then hung up "mianhe dohyun-ah but i need to go something came up i will see u definitely before the concert" she said as she hugged him one more time "u still aint coming home?" He asked and she shook her head "aniyo now i rlly need to go take care" she said and left before he could say another word.


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