Seafaring to Sindria

Start from the beginning

Ja'far coughs to regain your focus. You look back at him and nod. "Yes, yes, I know." You follow him as you list, "We need to pick out an official animal, bird, fish, flower, tree, gem, mineral, fruit, vegetable, banner, crest, sport, dance, and so on to represent Sindria..." Gosh there's so many choices to make!


You are on the forecastle deck with Ja'far going over things. You pick your favorite color for the banner's base. That much you are animate about, regardless of Sinbad's opinions. Out of the few confirmed animals on the islands, none of them stand out as a symbol to you. Foliage was more abundant with a more appealing selection. Ores were hoped to be uncovered during construction.

As for symbolic food: "There's currently not much in farmable land so we are going to have to rely heavily on imports. This will make food and everyday items expensive for citizens and visitors," Ja'far explains.

There was an island designated to later become farmland after being cleared. The current trees were a valuable resource though, to help make furniture and building supports. Besides, King Rashid previously informed Sinbad that he was not allowed to use his djinns to "destroy" the land, so transforming it into farmland had to be done the long way.

All this talk about food makes you hungry, and it's no wonder to you as Sharrkan and Masrur come up to say lunch is ready on the main deck; the morning has grown late. You thank them, but Ja'far has a few more items to finish up before break.

By the time the two of you join the main deck, there seems to be a scuffle. Sharrkan is shouting while pointing at Masrur.

"Almost half the food is gone! No one else was here while we let everyone know it was ready! It had to be Masrur!" accuses Sharrkan.

Hinahoho bends over to look Masrur in the eye. "Did you eat the food?"

With a straight face, the boy replies, "No."

As if to prove his innocence, his tummy growls. A chorus of a few other stomachs also sound.

Sharrkan pulls Masrur's cheek. The redheaded boy simply stands and takes it.

"You're giving me a midlife crisis here!" Sharrkan yells.

"Settle down," Mystras encourages, "You're still young. You've got decades before you have to worry about a midlife crisis!"

"I might not have decades," Sharrkan wails, "if my junior here puts me in an early grave before I even reach Hinahoho's age! In fact, this could be an end-of-life crisis if we all starve to death from lack of food!"

Ja'far silences the Heliohaptan prince with a Rurumu chop, which you've witnessed before but thankfully never been on the receiving end of. The tanned prince's hands go from Masrur's cheeks to nurse his new wound. The Fanalis stands unphased.

"Let's think this through logically," Ja'far states. "Wasn't Masrur with you when you got everyone for lunch?"

Still sour from the chop, Sharrkan says with a pout, "I was with Hina and Mystras for a bit when Masrur came back here."

"We weren't that far behind him to eat this much though," Mystras adds.

"I found the table like this when I arrived," Masrur states.

"It does sound like everyone has an alibi..." Ja'far begins, but then a muffled chuckle catches everyone's attention.

Everyone looks around and you see a barrel wobble. You point to it and the guys nod to each other. Hinahoho and Mystras sneak over. On the silent count of three, Mystras pulls the lid off the suspicious barrel and Hinahoho thrusts a hand in. He pulls out what looks like a miniature version of him by the scruff of his neck.

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