"I'm going..." she is still walking slowly to the door, snapping out of her trance when Ross smacks her on the ass. "Hey!"

"Move it!"

"Get a room!" Phoebe yells as the apartment door closes over.


When arriving home Rachel went straight for a shower, while Ross began cooking their dinner. He's making them steak, sweet potato fries and a spinach salad. Rachel's currently washing her silky smooth body that was waxed yesterday. She knew it would be needed for tonight and luckily her hair doesn't grow in fast, so she'll probably not have to shave for a while. Once she's finished in the shower, she gets out and wraps a big white fluffy towel around her body. Quickly she plugs in her hairdryer and turns it on, brushing it as she dries it. She then gets out her favourite coco butter lotion and rubs it all over herself. When she's done she quickly does her make up, very light since they are staying in tonight. She then puts on red bra and thong set to match the casual red dress she's wearing. Now that she's fully ready she makes her way to the kitchen. The room is filled with candles, the meal is already layer out, the lights are dimmed and Ross is pouring them a glass of wine out each.

"Aww look at all of this..." she walks over, taking the bottle from him and sitting it on the table. He turns to her as she wraps her arms around his neck, going on her tip toes so she can reach his lips. "I love you."

"I love you, now sit down." They both pull away, taking a seat opposite from each other. They begin eating while having a little conversation about how their lives are so different nowadays.

"Do you not find it crazy how you were married to someone else a few years ago and now you're with me and we have a kid?" Rachel asks, taking a sip of her wine.

"Honestly? No, I don't find it crazy. No matter what woman I was with or no matter how serious we were... they weren't you. And I just knew I would either end up with you... or I'd be alone. Yeah I married Emily and I loved her... but I wasn't in love with her, because well... its always been you Rach." He looks up from his meal, placing his cutlery down and taking her hands. "What about you, can you believe it?"

"No... I thought I had lost you forever. I mean... when I told you I loved you in that coffee house, all I could do was laugh. It felt like it was the only way to get out of the situation and when you didn't say it back... it hurt me, I guess Monica was right..." she sighs, but smiles as she looks back at him. "I thought you were really over me. You had dated a number of women after we broke up and you married one of them-"

"You dated too..."

"Yeah like one guy..." Ross shook his head and laughed. "Okay so who?"

"Joshua, Mark, Danny, Tommy and Josh..."

"You already said Joshua-"

"No josh, the college kid who was like... nineteen..."

"He wasn't that young... but anyways, I really thought I missed my chance." She pouts, looking down at their hands which are still intertwined.

"Well you didn't, and I didn't miss my chance either... luckily. And now I'm marrying you... again."


"That was perfect baby, and thank you. But you don't have to do the dishes right now, I want to spend time with you while we have some." Rachel pushes her hand into the sink, unplugging it and letting the water drain out.

"You're lucky I was finished." He pulls off the rubber gloves, throwing them in the sink before turning to Rachel. He places one hand on the kitchen counter, while the other cups her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "What do you want to do?"

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