12 | grim old place

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song: Happy Pills by Weathers

song: Happy Pills by Weathers

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Dear Lin,

I have to keep this letter short. I'm very, very sorry for not replying to your letters lately. I'm not allowed to give lots of information. Mum and Dad said you can visit us where we're staying now. Reply with yes or no. If yes, then Dad will pick you up on August 27. Happy belated birthday by the way. Sorry again for not replying to your letters.


"Hey, Mum." I try to get her attention.

"Apa?" (translates to what?)

"Can I stay with the Weasleys for the rest of summer break?" I ask hopeful.

"No. Absolutely not." She replies immediately.

"But Mum! I want to celebrate my birthday with my friends!" I made up that excuse.

"Then they can come over here."

"But, Mr and Mrs Weasley can take care of me and they'll get my school supplies. I told you you-know-who is back. It's not safe for a child like me wondering out in Diagon Alley."

She thinks it over. "Fine."

"Thank you Mum!" I run up to her and hug her.

"Are Arthur and Molly going to pick you up?" She questioned.

"They said Mr Weasley will be picking me up on the 27th." I tell her.


"Mina! Albert! So good to see you again!" I hear Mr Weasley greet my parents from downstairs when he shows up here.

I'm currently finishing up packing my trunk when there's a knock at the door. "I'm almost done packing, Mum." I say in an annoyed tone.

"Now, is that anyway to greet your friend?" A voice that is not my mother's says.

I turn around and smile when I see who it is. "Hi Fred."

He walks up to me and is about to hug me but I stop him. "Ah-ah. No physical affection."

He looks disappointed and drops his arms. Now I feel a little bit bad so I get on my tippy toes and kiss his right cheek.

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 ⎯  fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now