All of Me (Charli D'Amelio)

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Charli's View

"I'm still trying to figure out why Y/n brings a dog to school." Dixie says.

"He's a guide dog, idiot." I say.

"She's not disabled." Dixie says.

"She's blind. That's why a new student walks with her every day. Every day someone else guides her and her dog, Cooper, around school." I say.

"How did you not notice?" I ask.

"I haven't been watching her for the past year." Dixie says.

I roll my eyes and she unlocks her phone.

"Charli." Someone says.

I turn around and see Mr Davis and Y/n.

"Yes, sir?" I ask.

"Matt couldn't make it to school. Can you help Y/n around school for the day?" Mr Davis asks.

"Y-Yeah, of course." I say.

"Thank you, here's a pass for the rest of the day so you won't be marked absent." He says handing me a piece of paper.

He helps Y/n sit down and I smile.

Y/n's View

"It's nice to meet you." I say holding my hand out.

"A little to the left." Charli says.

I slowly turn and feel Charli shake my hand.

What would I do without your smart mouth?

"Do you know where your schedule is?" Charli asks.

I feel around using my hand to find my backpack and I put it on the table.

"I think it's this one." I say feeling around for the zipper.

I unzip my backpack and hear her grab something out of it.

"Okay, your first class is math and it's in 8 minutes. We should probably head that way now." Charli says.

Drawin' me in and you kickin' me out

I hear her get up and she helps me stand up.

"Which way?" I ask.

You've got my head spinnin', no kiddin'

"This way." She says holding my hand.

Cooper pulls me in a direction and I follow him.

15 minutes later...

Cooper licks my hand and I quickly lift my head.

"Are you staring at me?" I ask.

"What? No." Charli says.

"I'm blind, but I can feel your gaze. Why are you staring at me?" I say.

What's goin' on in that beautiful mind?

"You're just really pretty." Charli says.

I'm on your magical mystery ride

"I mean, I wouldn't know. I've been blind since I was born." I say attempting to look at her.

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me

She gently turns my head and I hear her giggle.

But I'll be alright

"I really like you and was wondering if you wanted to go out with me. You can't see me, but I see you." She says.

My head's under water, but I'm breathing fine

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots #3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now