Ugly Sweater Party (Nanu)

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Context: You're trying to convince Nanu to attend an ugly Christmas sweater party.

• You figured Nanu would refuse the invitation as soon as you told him about it, but that didn't stop you from persisting. I mean, Prof. Kukui and the others have worked so hard to set up everything, so it would be nice to just go over and spend some time, right?
• Upon hearing ugly sweater come out of the sentence you pulled out, the officer raised an eyebrow. It's one thing that it was a party, sure, but it is another for the fact that it was an ugly Christmas sweater party. Who even came up with the idea? You shrug and give your best guess when Nanu asks the question
• He thought maybe you'd leave it at that when he stated that he wouldn't be going, but he was mistaken to think you of all people would give up that easy. He chuckles to himself, yeah, he's very mistaken. It could be seen as stubbornness, but he finds that part of you endearing.
• Instead, he just plays around with your whole trying to convince him to go. In a way, he'd like to see what some of your efforts would be in swaying him. It's cute; you going back and forth from idea to idea and the determined look on your face every time you approach him with an offer.
• Homemade cookies? Okay kid, maybe that caught his attention. Nanu almost chuckled in front of you at your attempt in bribing him. Sure, sure, he'll go. Just as long as some komala coffee/tapu cocoa and sitting on the couch with you for who knows how long is involved as well.
• Once the deal has been set, you could not hold in your excitement for both the party and the fact that you managed to convince the Ula'ula kahuna into attending. Maybe even with a bit more convincing and you'll get him to wear one of the sweaters you got for the occasion? Hm. Besides, it will probably be extremely cold out, so a sweater, especially those fuzzy ones, are necessary for such weather instead of, oh you know, what Nanu is currently wearing. Just a thought is all.
• "Nothing too extreme, okay?" He chuckles softly despite his words towards you. Nanu has seen plenty of those sweater designs. Some can be pretty good, others can be... Well one word can't really describe them and what thoughts go through his head when they reach his line of sight.
• Wouldn't be surprised if you give him a sweater related to Alolan Meowth. I mean, would anyone be? You jokingly state that those little guys have become a trademark Pokemon to the station and could probably run it if they had the chance. Nanu just smirks and ruffles your hair, adding a remark to that joke.

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