Reader is Sick (Cyrus)

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• Cyrus isn't one to get sick easily and it's rare for him to even catch a cold. It's probably because he avoids any means of contact when someone is ill or showing symptoms. He also just doesn't like the germs.
• However, this is YOU. You are sick and in need of some assistance. If you're trying to convince him it's "just some allergies" or "not something to worry about and it'll pass", he won't let it slide. You're just trying to finish up some work? He firmly says, "Go to bed" and tells you that ignoring this is foolish.
• "No, this will not pass overtime. Just the simple symptoms of a running nose and sneezing can evolve into a coughing fit if you're not careful."
• He may come off as a little rude when he tries convincing you to go to bed for rest, but you know it's only because he cares. This warms your heart immensely and you just want to kiss his cheek, but he dodges, not wanting to get sick himself.
• Yes, he'll make you drink the medicine. Even if it's nasty (the cherry ones are, but the ones in the orange bottle are even worse ugh). He knows that if you keep refusing, the only way to convince you is through persuasion. He'll promise that if you take the medicine and get better, you can cuddle for however long you want.
• Cyrus will slightly be hesitant when you ask for your comfort foods (such as ice cream or chocolate), but once you give him those puppy eyes, he'll give in. But not after stating that you should at least eat some of the soup he made (which is sort of plain, but good).
• He's not the best when taking care of someone who is sick, but he's not the worst and at least tries. His way of taking care of you is very basic since he has never really taken care of anyone. Cyrus will go by whatever he has heard about taking care of the sick and go on with that, but will listen to you since everyone deals with sickness differently.

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