"I would love to have her as one of my students" I genuinely say because my students have to be some of my favorite people. I know I am too young to think of having kids but I enjoy being arounds kids. Between my students and my little brother I am always surrounded by them. I feel like I was born to be a mother and thats another goal I wish to accomplish when the time is right.

The photoshoot goes smoothly as expected but we end up taking longer like last time. I don't know if maybe I was not giving her good pictures or maybe she just needed more than she anticipated. Once we find a good stopping point we decide to take a break. I feel my legs give out and I take a seat on the bench closest to us. I have been doing so many different positions for long amounts of time and my body is starting to hurt. For some reason this has been tougher than dancing for multiple hours. I take this time to search through my backpack and I find my water bottle. I notice Ara is on the phone and I try to give her some privacy but something makes me look at her and I notice she looks different. I am concern for her since she seems to be ready to pass out and I ask her if everything is ok.

"I don't know, I am trying to call my daughter's father and he does not answer"Ara explains and I see her eyes fill with worry as she speaks. I try to find reasons on why he is not answering. Doing my best to calm her down but it does not seem to work. Once she tells me that she needs to go I notice her sit down on the bench and I know she is not feeling well. I tell her I will get a taxi to take us and she is surprise when she hears me say I don't want her to go alone. The taxi arrives in a few minutes and I pick up all her bags with mine knowing she can't concentrate on anything right now. Once we are finally in the cab I notice I didn't have any time to change clothes. I am still wearing my pastel green bodysuit with matching lyrical skirt. I am in full ballet outfit and I am about to got to someone's house who I have never met before. I look through my backpack again and I am thankful I had packed my oversized white FILA hoodie and at least I wont feel as exposed as before. I have been so busy with making sure Ara is fine that when I look out the window I notice we are arriving at some expensive looking apartment buildings. I ask her If this is where Mia's father lives and she explains something about Mia's father having several homes and sharing this particular one with his friends. I don't know what she means by that but I don't ask any further questions not wanting to intrude. We are inside one of the building in less than a few minutes and we make it to one of the floors in record time. I don't pay attention on the way up and I don't even know what floor we left the elevator.

I end up carrying all her bags with me and even though she offers to help several times I tell her its ok. I know the less she has to worry about the better she will feel. We arrive at a door and it looks like this is the place. I watch in silence as she puts in the code and opens the door. She steps inside and I follow unsure if this is the right thing to do. We walk down a long hallway and the place seems to be empty until we get to what looks like a living room and I notice a black hair guy sitting on a burnt orange couch with a little girl sleeping on his chest. I look at Ara and she seems to be relief to finally know that her daughter is fine. I smile once I feel the same relief as Ara and now that I am not worried about my friend I look back at the guy holding Mia. This time I take longer really looking at him and I notice he is also asleep but for some reason he looks very familiar. I cant think of who he reminds me off and after a few seconds of staring at his face it finally hits me. Mia's father is none other than one of the most famous Idols of Korea and the world. I hear myself say "It's really him" and I am in total shock that I am in the presence of Min Yoongi.

I have known of BTS since I lived in Paris even though I didn't really followed their music. They are worldwide known and had a huge following in Paris. Some of my French friends absolutely loved them but I on the other hand didn't really get into them. Is not that I didn't like their music, I really enjoyed the few songs I heard but I was always as busy as I am now. Art school and after school practice was my life back then and I never had the time to listen to anything else that was not classical music. That's something else that has changed drastically since I have been in Korea. Most of the songs we practice to are Kpop and is  a big part of that playlist. I have slowly joined the fandom but I still have a lot to learn about them.

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