Crisis averted...23am pulukeshi valga

Start from the beginning

Ashwin was then invited to stay for dinner however Ashwin declined and told the parents that he wants to have a private word with both of them. Mr Krishi kumar brought him to his study and close the door ensuring both his blood and pseudo children doesn't eavesdrop.

After half and hour the trio emerged from the study room and saw the other group of three sitting down in the dining room with a tensed look. Mrs Krishi kumar ignored the apprehensive expression in her daughter's face. She walked to the kitchen with Pugal following her while Mr Krishi Kumar invited Ashwin to stay for dinner which he accepted with a smile. Vipul then ran to the parlour with his phone texting someone urgently.

The door bell rang and Vipul went to answer. Aarthi came in smiling widely while her husband smiled sheepishly.
He shook his hands with Mr Krishi Kumar and apologized for barging to his home at dinner time. Mr Krishi kumar waved his apologies out and introduced them to his lovely wife who came out hearing the commotion.

Aarthi bounced to older woman and hugged making Mrs Krishi utter a delighted gasp. Aarthi then hugged Shubhangi and fretted a little on her injured hand. Naren walked calmly and hand Mrs Krishi Kumar a bag of fruits and a bowl of dessert.

" We already showed up to dinner with any notice...its polite to bring in some gifts... and madam no worries it's all vegan..."

Mrs Krishi Kumar smiled and expressed her thanks, Aarthi went to the kitchen and helped her with Pugal with some extra gossiping while Mr Krishi Kumar talked with Naren. Vipul was left to be the chaperone of Ashwin and Shubhangi... and boy it was awkward.

With Aarthi and Pugals help, Mrs Krishi kumar brought the dishes out and everyone gathered in the dining room. The bowls were passed and it was a merry dinner. The place was lively with Aarthi and Pugal cracking jokes and Mr Krishi Kumar and Naren enthused about their favourite cricket team. Mrs Krishi was piling up food on Ashwins plate while he was batting her off politely. Shubhangi giggled watching them while Vipul ignored the chaos and  placed his headphones on.

After dinner, Aarthi dragged Shubhangi to the kitchen and shooed both Pugal and Mrs Krishi Kumar to eat dessert with the others at the parlour while both women prepare the coffee. While the water was boiling, Aarthi initiated the conversation after asking Shubhangi to take out the mugs from the cupboard.

" Did Ashwin say anything ?"


" sighs...Shubhangi...he was very tensed at the gym after your call...he blamed himself for whatever happened to you today...That's why Naren and I followed him even though he told us not too.."

" Its not his fault...I am a clutz.."

"Not that...but its him who initiated the lunch right ?"

Shubhangi blushed and nod. Aarthu sighed and popped  her elbow.

" It was reckless what he let me this moment in your careers...both you...a scandal involving each other is not needed at all...Shubhangi my brother has been betrayed by so many people that he dont even trust us that much now but he opened up pretty fast to you...Now I know your a genuine girl and wish him success but if anyone tells any will not only affect you both but both this families..."

Shubhangi nod and opened her mouth but Aarthi shushed her once more .

" wait wait ... now that doesn't mean I nor your parents or mine want you both to ignore each other or whatsoever.. merely we just ask for you both to be professionals during your shoot...whatever you do during shooting is fine since you already made millions of people to eagerly wait for your interaction with Ashwin ...however off screen at the shooting spot try not to make people gossip about you...In the industry it's easy to make enemies without even knowing them...and you have an entire successful career infront of you...we are worried you know...many young girls who rose into fame too fast they end up in a bad path and non of us want that for you ..."

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