"Thanks. So do you. So where are we heading?"

"I was thinking we grab a quick milkshake and head to the balcony upstairs to chat,"

"Sure," and they set off.

Once settled opposite each other in a more secluded part of the balcony on the second, they made small talk about college and family until one mentioned what happened the other day.

"Zayn... why do you do it? I just, I don't understand," she spoke, concern and confusing etching her features, her mouth drawn in a line, her fingers linked together tightly.

"Lame reasons. I wasn't even that stripped for cash. I wanted my own money so I can leave my house the moment I'm done with my A levels - cuz I don't want to be around people who see me as a disappointment. This was a quick way - who'd wanna employ an inexperienced and underage guy for a good job? I have no qualifications; I do have a legal job, but I receive such little money. It's just foolishness, greediness and selfishness," he said, just saying whatever came to his mind. Not even he knew the actual reason for starting the illegal activities.

"When did you start?" her eyes were soft, no judgement. He relaxed a little.

"Close to my GCSE exams. Earlier this year - Jan or Feb. I was sixteen then. I've wanted to stop ever since the Summer holidays. Yet I'm still here. The money is defo not worth all that, it really isn't."

"You should've told your friends earlier. But at least now they are willing to help you. I would too, but I feel like I'll end up more as a liability than any help,"
she laughed without humour, her eyes bright.

"Syra - about that - if you -" she cut him off.

"I suppose you want to hear how I ended up in Jaxon's clutches. Well, before I wasn't so much of a saint. I was one of those girls who took of my hijab the moment I left my house - my parents would not force me to wear it if I took it off but I was too cowardly to face them. I was meeting a boy. Some guy I met at an event or sum, he asked for my snap and I, being an absolute idiot, gave it. You could easily tell by the tags tattooed on his body that he was part of some sorta organisation. I -" her voice cracked as she struggled to reign in her emotions.

"Don't hold your emotions in. Let it go. Who am I to judge." Zayn soothed her. Normally he would've easily panicked at the sight of an emotional girl, but this ain't no girl - this was his Syra.

Her emerald eyes glistened with tears, slowly slipping down her smooth caramel skin. Zayn wanted nothing more than to reach out and dry her tears, to hold her in his arms and comfort her, protect her. But that was not his place. Not now. He only hoped his expression was one of sympathy but he doubted it, he wasn't used to this. He fished out a couple of tissues from his pocket and handed them over, their fingers brushing ever so slightly. They snatched their hands away as if electrocuted; like a spark ignited at their contact.

She continued, "He asked to meet around seven. Missed that blatant red flag. I told my parents I was at my friends, and she almost too willingly covered for me. It was later on that I pieced together that they both were working together - apparently some guy she was after liked me. Tf.
Anyways, I didn't mind going cuz it was still summer; the sky didn't darken so quickly. He gave me an address of a building, said there was a party going - and with the atmosphere within the building it didn't seem like he was lying. I met him a little away from the entrance but he didn't take me straight to the entrance, he took me around. At this point I was suspicious but I felt like it was too late to run. I should've. He takes me to a room where it's just us, and it's like an office. He tells me to sit while he gets something. He goes and that's the last I see of him. Two bulky men come in and demand that I remove my bag and coat. Thanks god I wore no party clothes - just jeans and a shirt. I was scared shitless so I did whatever they told me to do. Then they tied me up and waited for their boss to come.
Jaxon. He comes and tells where we really are. Explains the whole planning with my friend and the boy. The whole prostitution thing. And explains I'm one of the special volunteers. That he was keeping me for him and his associates with similar high positions. I was so sickened. So scared. I still remember the feeling. I still struggle to sleep, to be alone in the dark. I think he was gonna do - do something to me right then, but thank god he was called away. He orders his men to blindfold and gag me, and they take me to the basement. I stayed there for god knows how long, till you found me. You found me and I wished I hadn't lost you then, but here we are," she ended on a lighter note, trying to smile through her tears.

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