"Cmon mate you gotta finish off the story," pleaded Key, his nose red from the cold, blond hair ruffled.

"She was assigned me for the competition thing innit. She needs to win it for her studies and stuff. She's just - I don't fucking know - she's ,um well, different," he finished off lamely, after giving in.

"Great choice of words," put in Sajid dryly. Zayn couldn't see his face - his blue black hair covered almost covered the top half of his face while he held his sub infront of his face with one hand, scrolling through his phone. This man was the definition of multitasking.

"She's got him whipped so he can't even describe her. Tell us, are you gonna go to the folks?" asked Kai.

"Well yes. But now? She don't even know how I feel - well I made it plain obvious but that's not the same as telling her, and I can't tell how she feels. And she also knows -" he broke off, remembering that he had not yet confided in his friends.

Mabdi, Kai and Key stared at him inquiringly, while Sajid spoke,

"He means that she knows what he's been doing after school, something he hasn't told us. She prolly found out her own, that's why he said 'she knows' not that he 'told her'. Tbh it's not too hard to figure out - big man comes in with bruises - prolly enjoys it -" he was cut short by Zayn suddenly sitting up in anger, eyes ablaze with anger.

He was suddenly yanked back by someone from behind him; Anwar had finally come back from the toilet. He didn't need anyone holding him back - Sajid was right, and Zayn would never fight his friend over a girl.

"I didn't tell you guys because it won't be fair. It would be like shoving my problems onto you -"

Sajid tunes his phone off, answering him,
"No it wouldn't. We're you friends. Not some defenceless twats. We can help you, help you carry the burden. Now especially since your girl knows, she can be used as leverage by whichever crowd you bless with your presence,"

No one spoke. Anwar went round and took his seat, murmuring to Key as the latter filled him in.

"Street fighting. I fight for money. I also kinda do a delivery service from time to time - not the Amazon kinda shit but the dodgy bullshit. But you can guess that these packages have to remain secret. I also helped transport weed around. Not proud. But needed the money fast and a regular job couldn't make that. And I don't know how to stop without causing trouble." he confessed, feeling so ashamed now that he said it aloud.

"And Syra?" questioned Anwar, golden eyes remaining indifferent, watching Zayn.

"She followed me yesterday to a fight. That abandoned station behind Ol'Raj's shop. I was late, couldn't stop her. And some of Vinnie Jaxon's men have seen her. I won against him that day -"

"Hol up. The Vinnie Jaxon? Prostitution chap? Mums he's like thirty sum. And he's powerful. They gone be on your tail!" exclaimed Kai, bewildered.

"Bruv, Zayn you neek. This is no joke - and you're telling me you weren't planning on telling us?" interjected Key, looking stressed as fuck.

"You managed to piss of the road men from a neighbouring town as well. Harrow, I think. Now they're coming here to get you, which our local ones don't like. You've stirred up quite a mess to get money the quickest way," informed Anwar.

Well shit. He'd forgotten about that little encounter. God they were so bloody petty it hurt his head. A bunch of set eights.

"So what shall we do?" Mabdi broke the silence.

A voice behind them answered him.
"Here's what I think. Zayn should carry on, but gradually make himself scarce. You know, so they don't notice. If there's any trouble, that's where we come in. We'll come up with something- there's many of us, adding Majid, Marcelo, Ahmad, Reign, Rafael, Ahmad, Shahzad and your brothers. Yes, you must tell them. If things get outta hand, then your parents. We'll first use the peaceful ways, no drama, and if they throw a fit, we'll be here to help you deal with that. Khalaas (finish). No more stressing over this. Not a peep. Laa shaye (nothing). Zayn, I gotta say in the most respectful way, that you bagged a sweet one."

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