Cheng Bi Yu pulls away peering at Aiko's reddened face, "..No more crying okay-" she wipes the youth tears with her thumb, "..The ocean already has enough salt-" she then exclaimed, "..From now on we'll protect each other okay-" Cheng Bi Yu straightens then outstretched her hand, "..Come on-" Aiko smiles peering up at Cheng Bi Yu it's been a long time since she felt this much warmth Cheng Bi Yu lightly squeezed her palm.

[[BING! Find the other survivors- (20, 0000) points]]

"For a zombie infested area they're no zombies in sight. Pre-tty weird-" Cheng Bi Yu curious about this world suddenly out of nowhere load groaning and rapid multiple footsteps were audible. Aiko grabs Cheng Bi Yu's arm tightly squeezing in fright, "-Tell me that's not what I think it is-" spotting the army of rotten disfigured corpses hurling towards them Cheng Bi Yu instinctively scoops Aiko up and sped off into the wind the zombies hot  on there trail.

"Aren't zombies supposed to be slow?-" Cheng Bi Yu gawked at their crazy inhuman speed.

[[In theory they are]]

"..Then why are they moving like frigging vampires?!" Cheng Bi Yu glanced back fastening her pace adrenaline surging through her veins.

[[I don't make the rules]]

"You're definitely gonna get my foot up your A.I ass if they catch us-" Cheng Bi Yu grunts.

A box appears above her head.

[[Press to view player info]]

"Really right now!-" Cheng Bi Yu huffs, "Fine!-" angry shifting the weight of Aiko she pressed the green button.

[[Welcome to the tab bar. View player info]]

Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh》

Player: Nyx Kora  (N.K)
Age: 19
Height: 5'6

Previous Abilities
- None

Previous Disabilities
- Asthmatic
- Nearsightedness
- Slow
- Clumsy

Present Abilities
- Speed
- Marksmanship
- Medical skills
- Sign language expert

Present Disabilities
- Asthmatic

Increasing speed Cheng Bi Yu ducks left at an intersection, "..Hey over here!" A silhouette stood waving its hand frantically in attempts to get Cheng Bi Yu's attention

Cheng Bi Yu hastily runs in that direction the zombies also gained speed their feet loudly stomping as they got hauntingly closer and closer.

Clicking sounds could be heard as armed individuals opened fire behind her soon as the steel gate opened she was quickly grabbed inside. Catching her breath she faces her saviour, "..T-thanks I o-owe you one-" she pants.

Cheng Bi Yu rests down Aiko who like a baby koala instinctively leaned into her Cheng Bi Yu pats the youth's head bright purple eyes look up at her, "-We're safe now-" she exhaled gently caressing her head.

Cheng Bi Yu's ominous starry eyes scanned her surroundings now noticing the other eyes in the room, "Come with me.." Aiko latched on to Cheng Bi Yu scared of the prying stares they received, "Don't mind them," the woman from earlier leaned closer, "It's been like three months since we've seen anyone around here-"

[[Mission completed: Find other survivors- (20,0000) points GAINED! Reward-(6,0000) coins]]

"You can get cleaned up here.." the woman led them to a room, "...What is this place?-" Cheng Bi Yu asks, "..This is solitary. The only thing keeping us safe from them-" the woman then hands her some folded clothes, "..They're not much but they're clothes-" she goes to leave.

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