Class Rep

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The Next Day
In front of UA's entrance

Reporter1: What kind of lessons does All Might teach?

Deku: EEH?! I-I'm sorry, I need to go to the class now.

Reporter2: Lend us some of your thoughts on what it was like having "Symbol of Peace" standing before you in the class.

Uraraka: My thought?! Uh... He was really muscly!!! Yeah..

That is right. We got surrounded by group of idiot reporters in front of the school.

Reporter3: How is yo-

Me: Blackhole.

I make blackhole on my left hand and it suck the microphone into it. The blackhole the dissapear.

Me: Go away.

Reporter3: EEEEKKK!! So cold!!

I start to walk into the school area.

Rozu: You're too cold. Try to be more open to others.

Me:*yawn* I sleep late last night playing video game. I don't have mood to become so open.

Rozu: You never be open to anyone.

Me: I don't like it.

Rozu: How can someone who really popular don't like reporters?

Me: Me? Popular? I don't have idea what are you talking about.

Rozu: Oh come on. Don't acting like you don't know anything. You're No. 1 in world ranking for martial arts, aren't you?

Me: Yeah, why?

Rozu: Then there must be lot of reporters want to interview you.

Me: I just crush their microphone or their camera and walk away.

Rozu: You're too cold!!

Me: It feel natural.

Class 1-A

Aizawa: Hope you're rested from yesterday's battle trial. I took the liberty of looking at your marks and evaluation.

He look at Bakugou.

Aizawa: Bakugou, don't let your desire control your action.

Bakugou: I know.

He look at Deku and Iida.

Aizawa: Don't understimate your opponent just because he didn't use any weapon.

Iida: Yes, sir.

Deku: Y-Yes, sir.

He look at Rozu.

Aizawa: For you, do as you were ordered. If you just rely on someone to help you, you'll never be a hero.

Rozu: U-Understood.

He then look at me.

Aizawa: For our MVP, you have my highest respect. You know what is more important other than defeat the villain.

Black and White Hero (My Hero Academia X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now