talk to me

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A few days later Meredith was taken off the vent but Owen suggested that she should always have her oxygen mask nearby. Everyone came and visited her when they heard that she was awake.
Cristina and Derek basically lived in that I.C.U room. Meredith however hadn't talked much.
Derek was always there for her but he really wanted to know what had happened to her.

After some time Meredith fell asleep looking into his blue eyes.
Mark came into the room after Mer fell asleep.
" Hey," He said when Derek gave him the shushing sign.
" Sorry, how is she? " Mark whispered.

" She is doing ok, she just isn't talking a lot. " Derek explained sadly

" Well Derek it's only been 3 days since we found her, she has been through a lot. " Mark advised. Derek nodded at his words and let them sink into his brain. " Do you want to go home, Karev is on-call he can watch her. " Mark informed.

Derek got up and kissed her on the lips. Mark paged Karev to the room.
Alex sprinted to the room all worried.
" What happened? is she ok? did she code? " Alex just started screaming while losing his breath.

" I'm going home, can you watch her overnight for me and I'll come back in the morning before rounds. " Derek tiredly asked.
Alex nodded and sat on the couch letting out a sigh.
Derek and Mark left the room getting in the car. Derek sat in Marks' passenger seat since he couldn't get into his own car since what happened last time.

A few hours later at 2 in the morning, Alex fell asleep with his head on the I.C.U bed.
Alex really did consider Meredith as family, he didn't show any love but she really was a sister to him.
Alex woke up with a shake on his shoulder and lots of nurses yelling.
" Wha-what " He groggily said.
" Dr.Karev she is crashing we need your help. " A nurse said while others brought the crash cart into the room.
Alex stood there in shock. " We need to intubate. " He demanded putting on some gloves.
" Move over! " He yelled at the nurse who didn't know how to intimate properly.

He got his best friend intubated and gave the nurse's ambu bag. Meredith started to flatline when Alex started to do compressions.
" Charge the paddles to 190" He pleaded.
The nurse gave him the paddles and he rubbed them together.
As Alex was rubbing the paddles, the nurse unbuttoned Merediths' gown and placed the stickers on her chest.
"Clear!" He yelled pumping the electricity to her heart but still flatlining.
"CHARGE AGAIN TO 250" He demanded angrily this time.
"Clear" He shouted but not hearing a rhythm.
Alex wasn't going to stop, he had to fight for his family.
Cristina came running into the room. "She's coding? " She asked confused.
" Yea, help me out," He said putting all his weight on Meredith's tiny little body.
" Ok Charge to 300," Cristina said trying to stay as calm as possible. " Clear! " She charged onto her person's chest.
Alex started compressions again for a few seconds until he stopped.
" Sinus rhythm, " They both said in relief.
" Let's page the chief " Alex asked the nurse as he flopped on the couch.

Richard came running over after the page. " What the hell?! " He yelled across the
" She's intubated, again? " He yelled in frustration. Alex got up and took him outside the room
" Dr.Gre- Meredith was coding unexpectedly, I was alone so I intubated and started compressions, She flatlined so I charged the paddles once at 190 then again at 250. At that point she was still flatlining so I started compressions when Yang came in and charged them to 300. We found a rhythm and we thought it would have been best to keep her intubated. I also texted Sloan to tell Derek what happened " Alex informed in one breath. "
Richard's face changed quickly from anger to sadness.
He went into the room and sat on the chair.

"Yang, Karev you guys can go home, get some sleep I'll stay with her " Richard offered as both tiredly nodded and left the room.
" I would always take care of you when you were a child, it was like you were my own " Richard whispered to her.
Overnight there were no changes, Meredith was stable and Richard fell asleep onto the couch.

Mark got up at 5 in the morning and made coffee. He picked up his phone and saw 9 unread messages from the hospital. He sat down and read them all. " Oh my " He drew in a gasp from the news.
Izzie walked into the kitchen, she saw Mark's worried face and knew something was wrong. " Mark, what happened, " She asked scaredly as she sat down with her coffee mug.
" She coded " Mark blurted quietly when Derek came into the kitchen in some sweats ready to go see Meredith. " Good morning guys " He exclaimed grabbing a bowl for his protein cereal.

"I'm guessing he doesn't know " Izzie whispered out of shock.
" know what? " Derek mumbled.

The two surgeons were silent, just staring at each other. " Are you going to tell me?! " He growled.
" Derek, last night around 2 in the morning ish, um Meredith unexpectedly started to code " Mark started when Derek cut him off. " No. What do you mean? She was fine " He asked in confusion. " They intubated her and started compressions, then she flatlined so they charged the paddles 3 times until she was found stable. " Mark blurted out
Derek took in a deep breath, put the bowl on the counter, and ran towards the door.

" Where are you going?! " Mark questioned.
" I need to go, I need to be with Meredith " Derek stammered in fear.
" Derek come eat something, we can go later " Mark pleaded.

" NO! Her heart stopped and she could've died, she could've died without me, I-I have to go see her. I should have never left her " Derek started panicking and stuttering.
"Derek I have to drive you there, your car isn't here " Mark demanded calmly,
He grabbed his phone and jacket and went out the door. " Oh tell me if anything happens to Meredith " Izzie shouted from the Kitchen.

When they both arrived at the hospital Derek ran ups the stairs and sprinted to Meredith's room.
Richard was in there doing paperwork and Callie was doing charts.
Derek stumbled outside the I.C.U, He saw Meredith intubated and gasped. " Is she ok? " Derek asked Richard. 

Richard sadly nodded as they both look at her vitals. 

Hey, guys so help me out, Should I keep this story going and end it with a good ending? I really want to start a traumatic One-shot fan fiction about Greys of course. I could write 1-2 more chapters and end it or I could continue writing more until it is complete? 

All up to you guy! lemme know in the comments. 

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