answer me..

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TW: violence and blood
Meredith just stood there, she didn't want to move because that could hurt her even more. " thatcher I um "
" don't speak, you cannot feel the pain that I am going through when you decided that you killed my wife. " he said taking his pocket knife off of her neck. Meredith slowly turned around with tears in her eyes. " please"
" I SAID NO SPEAKING YOU LITTLE BRAT " he yelled throwing the knife on the ground.
" you killed the women I have loved. And look what you have gotten yourself into " he yelled grabbing Meredith's face into his. " Meredith stuttered. Then right before he brought his fist to her jaw and pushed her to the ground. Meredith fell face forward and Thatcher saw her phone in the back pocket he quickly an there and put his knee on her back. " well would you look at this " he said going into her pocket and taking out her phone
Meredith knew her phone was there and when he left she was going to call Derek to come save her but he found it. This was my only way out she thought while his knee was still on her back. Thatcher grabbed Meredith's by the neck and slapped her, " what is the password" he whispered. Meredith stayed silent thatcher slapped harder making a cut on her cheek. " WHATS THE PASSWORD! " he yelled.
" 1657" she said with her voice breaking. Thatcher let go of Meredith's blouse and threw her on the ground once more. " 1657, 1657" he whispered to himself, he opened up her phone and handed it to her. " Give me Derek."
" what why " she said breathing heavily
" GIVE ME DEREK! " he yelled once more
Meredith got the phone out of his hand and brought up Dereks contact. Instead of giving it to him she asked " what r you going to do to me? "
" what "
" you don't scare me you never did! I want to know what makes you think that I can't push you and leave right now with my phone. "
" you wouldn't dare, and if you did you wish you were dead " he said picking up his pocket knife and putting it towards her throat.
" you still don't scare me " Meredith said standing up
" I'm stronger than you and you have no way of escaping here because you are weak. And every time I hurt you you will become weaker. You are nothing, no one loves you, no one cares about you and especially no one wants you. Derek- he doesn't want you or love you " Thatcher said walking towards Meredith while she was backing away. " you don't know that " she said trying to stay stronger.
" he is just using you because he is lonely, I mean if he loved you he wouldn't have left now would he "
Meredith stood there in silence.
" ANSWER ME " he yelled once more grabbing Meredith's arm.
Meredith still stayed silent.
He brought the knife to her arm and started to make cuts " Answer ( cuts ) me ( cuts ) you ( cut ) little ( cut ) piece ( cut ) of ( cut ) shit ( cut ) "
He put the knife in his pocket and grabbed Meredith's neck and with her neck only he pushed her against the wall making her hit her head and go unconscious. Thatcher grabbed her phone and texted Derek " I took an Uber home, if I'm not there I will be at an old friends house " Thatcher sent that text to him. He grabbed 2 handcuffs and dragged Meredith's unconscious body to the pole. He grabbed Meredith's right hand with all the cuts on it and attached it to the pole then he grabbed her other hand and did the same. " there thats what you get for killing my wife

Abusive Fatherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن