enough is enough

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" Why hasn't anybody found her yet! " Derek started screaming out of frustration. " It has been over 2 weeks since I last saw her and held her safely in my arms." He yelled at Richard.

" Derek, I brought you to the wood to yell and scream and let out all everything. . " Richard said calmly. " Richard, aren't you worried for her? " Derek asked softly.

" I'm worried every second, but I also have a hospital to run. I have brought you here to tell you that the police have been extremely busy. So I marched my way down to the chief's office and gave him every detail there is. " Richard said as he walked up to Derek.
" So they're going to help? " He asks confused.
Richard sighed, " They are "

" When are you going to let me go? " Meredith asked her drunk ass dad.
" Eh- when I feel all of my pain and grief is gone " He replied to her.

" Can you at least remove these handcuffs? " She asked politely. Thatcher just chuckled at her, His drunk breath filled the room, " Why so you can just try to escape again! " He teased. Meredith just looked at him with painful eyes. " No, I was thinking that since you got locked me up here and there is no actual way of leaving without getting hurt I could have my hands back. " At that point she had tears coming down her face. Thatcher looked at her with rage and agreed. " Not now, I'll do it in the morning. " He groaned leaving the room.

Meredith looked around the room, hoping to get an idea. Then suddenly she starts getting random flashbacks,  * Drunk dance party with her intern friends, teasing Sloan around, running to trauma and surgeries, and especially kissing her boyfriend. * She started to sob.
" All I want is to be free," She thought while tears still roll down her cheeks.

After some time she stopped and got herself together again. She needed a way out, and fast...

" What would happen if they never find her again? " George asked worriedly.
" They're gonna find her, they have too " Izzie reassured herself by trying to be positive but is really broken inside. Alex doesn't talk to anyone anymore and Cristina is a workaholic now.
Derek has been a total mess ever since.
Bailey missed her intern and is so mad at God for what happened.

The next morning came by and Thatcher forgot to feed Meredith the whole day. He undid her handcuffs and Meredith held her wists so close to her chest as she breathes in pain.

" Can you take me downstairs so I can eat something please " Meredith begged him " I won't escape, you can stay behind me," She begged. Thatcher didn't agree to this. " I will bring you some pizza but you cannot come downstairs," He said leaving to get Meredith some food.

Meredith got up and started to look around to find some ideas to try to escape this hell hole.

" Boxes, It is all boxes," She thought

She started digging very quietly trying to ignore the pain throughout her whole body. " AHA! ROPES " she exclaimed very quietly. " I could make a knot out of these ropes and get down from that small window and run home If I don't pass out on the street. " She looked around but noticed a problem.

" Shit, the window is too high," She thought, she looked around and with her possibly broken arm she held a garden took and with her other arm she held the rope that was very heavy since she was very weak.

" I cannot pull myself up, I will never work I'm too shaky from bloodloss. The boxes are too heavy to move from there " She looked at the cuts on her leg and almost fainted. She looked to the other side of the room and saw Thatcher's chair, he always sat there and drank beer when he would come up. " Shit there is glass all over it! I have to take it off before I use it.

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