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Derek was finally done, he came and sat in his car, he took out his phone to see that it was dead, " damn it " he thought, he started his car and went towards Thatchers house. He saw lots of people outside gathering around the front door. Derek nodded goodbye to everyone. Thatcher saw Derek and quickly closed the door on him.
Derek go concern. He walked towards the door and knocked. He stood there and knocked again and again. Usally he would call Meredith but his phone died and he didnt have a charger. After 5 minutes thatcher opened up the door for him. " Hi, Derek is everything ok? " he asked out of breath. " yes i am just waiting for Meredith, is she here? " Derek asked looking around the house. " did-didnt you get her message? "
" um actully no my phone died, so where is she? "
" She left, she took an Uber and either went home o-or a friends house " Thatcher said leaving to the kitchen. Derek walked into the house and closed the door behind him. " really which friend, you know I just dont want to worry about her " Derek admitted. Thatcher walked back to him with 2 beers in his hand. Derek refused since he was driving. " i dont know she didnt say, but she did say not to worry about her and that she will be alright. " Thatcher said opening the door once more leading Derek out when Thatcher yelled out his name " Derek! " he turned around " Tell Meredith she left her phone here " he said handing him a phone that had a scratch on it. " Oh um thanks " he said taking it and walking towards the car. He sat down trying to convince himself that everything was ok, but his gut tells him something was wrong, very wrong. He turned to the house once more and saw Thatchers head peaking out from a window, watching him leave. Derek went to Meredith's frat house hoping to see her there. He went inside and placed his keys and Merediths phone on the table. Izzie was baking and George was eating. Cristina was infront of the TV. " Hey have you guys seen Mer? " Derek asked everyone. " No, i thought that she was with you " George responded with half a muffin in his hand. " She said that she was either here or at a friends house " Derek said taking his coat off and charging his phone. " Mer has other friends except us? " Izzie said to herself. Derek put his phone to charge while he took a shower. He finished his shower and went to see his phone was at 76% He saw Merediths message, he put his phone down and went to sleep already missing Meredith.

Thatcher was drunk, he was sitting on a chair in the attic with 8 beer bottles, 6 of them were already finished. Meredith slowly started to wake up, She tried to move her hands but everytime she would pull it would make a clingy noise, After Meredith started to relize that she was chained to the medal pole. She looked up and she saw beer bottles everywhere, and Thatcher sitting on a chair drunk with another beer in his hand. " look who is awake " he said taking a large sip from his beer. " let me go! LET ME GO " Meredith snapped. thatcher got mad and threw his beer bottle at the pole, making it shatter and go everywhere, luckly Meredith ducked and there was only some glass in her hair. " why are you doing this " Meredith asked knowing there was no where to escape. " you really don't get it do you " He said opening up his last beer, " you killed my wife, you weren't a good enough doctor, ( takes a gulp of his beer ) you are a murder!!" Meredith looked down her wet socks. Thatcher stood back up while taking more sips of his beer. He grabbed his bag and put it in front of Meredith's face he brought the bat down to her chin. Thatcher put the bat under her and brought her face up he looked at her eyes which were red. " I will make you feel the same pain that you made her feel, " he said before throwing a punch at Meredith causing her to get a black eye. Meredith whimpered. Thatcher took his last sip of his beer the three that again at Meredith. But the time Meredith didn't dunk in time. The bottle was half full when it hit the pole making spill everywhere. Meredith could feel one of the glass in her arm, she could feel the beer dripping down her hair and making her socks wet. " Derek Is going to come for me " Meredith said. Thatcher just laughed, he sat back down in his chair. " Derek did come for you but he left, with your phone so now he can't track you down either "  thatcher said rubbing his eyes and taking a burp, " that isn't true " Meredith whispered
" you see but it Is true, your stupid worried boyfriend walked out the door not thinking twice about you. You wanna know why" Meredith stayed silent not wanting his words to be true. " because you are worthless, hopeless, cheap and pathetic. If anyone really loves you they would have came back. Thatcher started to walk up to Meredith once more with his drunken face, he put his hand on Merediths neck and pulled her closer. " I will keep you here until I have enough of you, and that won't be until I get all the pain out of losing the love of my life " he said pushing Meredith down, he left and went downstairs.

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