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TW⚠️⚠️ ( blood, mention of r@pe )
Richard, Bailey, Izzie, George, Cristina and Callie were all in gowns waiting at the front. " This is Grey right? " Callie asked. Everyone nodded with their worried faces. " Yang, O'Malley and Stevens you guys can't be in the room but you can watch from outside " Bailey said. They all nodded as the sirens became louder. " Ok everyone this isn't going to look like any patient but we still need to help her " Richard said as the rig parked in
" LETS GO EVERYONE " Bailey yelled as Alex jumped out and gave everyone a sad look. " Meredith Grey, 31 kidnapped and held hostage, broken cheek bone, multiple deep cuts on arm, neck and abdomen, low pulse and hypotensive" Mark said coming out with the gurney. Everyone gasped as they saw their friends face. " Let's get her inside " Richard said pushing the gurney in. Soon Mr. Garret, Owen and Derek out of the car and ran to the Trauma room. " Where is she " Derek asked the nurse as she pointed to Trauma room 2, Owen got a gown on and handed one to Derek.

Owen went inside the trauma room, Derek quickly got the gown on and ran inside to see everyone yelling.
There is bleeding in the spleen
Hang some blood
Set a central line
Bruising on the right chest
Obvious dislocation to the shoulder and arm
Bad break to the face
Deep infected wounds
2-3 broken ribs
She needs a chest tube
Broken cheekbone
Let's get an x-ray

Derek just stared at the figure on the table, " Derek we need neuro and Nelson's out " Callie said
Derek quickly ran inside, and examined her head lac, " Deep head lac, possible concussion "
Derek took out his pen light and and examined her pupils. " I need a head C.T " he said looking out at the window to see 3 very worried interns standing there. Then Meredith woke up, She started moving around looking everywhere, Everyone tried to hold her down but she kept fighting. Soon Meredith got up with one hand on her head and one on her stomach. " Meredith you need to lay down so we can help you " Mark said holding her shoulder, " no he is going to find me, he will do bad things I need to go " Meredith said groggy as she fought all the hands trying to hold her back. She took off the face mask and and held Richards hand for support.
" I have to go before he catches me again " She said standing up and wincing in pain. " Meredith he is gone he won't come here " Derek said trying to get her back on the bed. Meredith fought all of the hands in front of her. " He will bring Finn and he - will he will r@pe me again " as she collapsed into Alex's arms. Cristina, Izzie and George ran in to help Meredith, " What did she just say? " Owen said in confusion. " Her B.P is rising we need to get her on the bed now " Alex said holding the little figure. Derek came over and picked we up and laid her body on the gurney again. He stared at everyone with glassy eyes. Soon everyone went back to work. " She has glass in her wounds and some of them are infected " Mark said looking at her arm and belly. " She has some in her hair too " Derek said sadly.
" I'm putting in the chest tube " Owen said as he pushed the tube in and Meredith started coughing and breathing better. " It's ok Mer just Breathe " Alex said
" Let's get the x-ray in here " Owen yelled as the nurses brought it in. " Derek hold her head steady " Bailey said putting the oxygen mask on her again.

Soon Meredith woke up again with people moving her around. She saw Dereks face looking at her,
" Meredith your ok, we doing an x-ray " he said as she let tears down her face.
" Okay 1, 2  and 3 " Owen said as everyone put her on her side. Meredith screamed in pain, we brought her back down and she started to sob, " One more time, 1, 2 and- "
Meredith screamed in pain one more time, Derek patted her head to calm her head down.
He hated seeing the love of his life like this.

" Before she said that Finn uh r@ped her? That's what she said right or am I just hearing things " Alex said as everyone looked at her " We should do a test just in case " Mark said as he went out of the room. " X-ray scans came " a nurse said handing the scans to Richard.
" She has multiple broken ribs along with shoulder and leg " Callie said,
" Cheekbone is pretty messed up, I have to fix these wounds in the O.R " Mark said
" there is internal bleeding beside the spleen " Bailey said
" The bruising around her arm looks fine but her lung looks like there is free fluid in it. " Richard said
" No bleed, just possible grade 3 concussion " Derek said in relief.

Mark walked out and told the nurse to bring the kit. Cristina, George and Izzie stood in front of them. " How bad is it? " Cristina asked
" does she need surgery " George asked
" Is she going to die " Izzie asked.
Mark sighed and said " it's bad, but we are trying " Mark said as the nurse handed him the kit. The three interns looked at the kit and gasped and stared back at Mark. " I need to go "  he said walking in the Trauma room.
"was-um was that a r@pe kit? " Izzie said crying.

" I got the kit " Mark said coming in.
Derek kept staring at Meredith and talked to her to comfort her.
" I'll do it, everyone out " Bailey said grabbing the kit. " I'll stay too " Callie said, Everybody went outside except Derek
" Shepard? " Bailey said popping some new gloves
" I'm staying, I last time I left her this happened so I'm staying " Derek said with his hand running against Merediths face.
Bailey nodded and started
Meredith cried in pain as they preformed it.
" All done " Callie said as her pressure started to bottom out. " She is coding we need to get her in an O.R " Bailey screamed as Callie started C.P.R, " c'mon Grey don't do this today " she whispered looking at Derek and seeing tears come down his eyes.

Mark, Owen and Richard all ran inside and unlocked the gurney " Shepard go wait in the waiting room with everyone else " Richard said as Callie jumped onto the gurney and continued compressions. All of Merediths friends gave her a worried look before entering the O.R
" Get me a crash cart! Charge it 150 CLEAR! "
Owen said with his hands on the paddles. " ONE MORE TIME TO 250- CLEAR "
* beep beep beep beep beep *
" Ok let's get her under now " Callie said as waking towards the scrub room.
Bailey , Mark and Richard came out and gowned and gloves them self.
Callie and Owen came in soon afterwards.

" 10-blade " they all demanded.

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