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"Can someone page Karev and tell him to tell the police department that we found her " Bailey informed as the nurse scurried off.

"Derek, you ok?" Callie asked as Derek was looking at Meredith's bruised face.
"Ok I've sutured up her arm, Now let me see this cheekbone." He said sliding over with his stool.
"It has definitely broken, I might need to open her up and replace the bone. But I can do it later" Mark informed when Derek interrupted.

"Do it now! I don't want her in more pain after this surgery," Derek gently said as Mark nodded and grabbed a new pair of gloves.

* CRACK * he grunted,

"It's going to be swollen a lot so don't get scared or think that anything is wrong." Mark guaranteed.

"Ok I relocated her shoulder and put some screws in her wrists and she should have her wrist function back to normal in the end," Callie told everyone.

Suddenly her heart monitor started beeping aggressively.

"Where is all this bleeding coming from? " Bailey questioned looking at Richard.

"We have to open her up from the other side, Her spleen was probably damaged with the knife" Richard sadly said, leaving the room silent. "Will she make it if you open her up more?" Derek asked concernedly.

"We have to find the source of this bleeding or she will bleed out and die if we don't do it" Bailey gently told Derek. " Hang more blood " Owen gently said suctioning all the blood from her abdomen.

Derek started stroking her neck, "Meredith, you have to fight please don't give up. * He paused * I love you and so does everyone in this hospital. You have to fight for everyone you ever loved. We are going to be safe, get married and have kids with your beautiful face on them " Derek said smiling under his mask imagining the life he built for them.

The beeping stopped and she became stable. " You were right, her spleen is badly damaged. " Owen announced looking at Richard. " Should we remove it? " Richard asked the 2 other general surgeons. "If we don't we can risk her bleeding out again," Izzie blurted, she was so quiet they forgot that she was here.

" Tray" Bailey asked as she removed Meredith's spleen.

" I think we are done, let's close her up " Owen said looking at her vitals as they all took a big breath of relief.
Derek ran out the O.R to catch his breathe. He saw Alex Karev and a few officers behind him walking towards Derek.
" Hey Shepard you ok? " Alex asked not knowing anything that happened in surgery
" Yea, it's Meredith I- " Derek was saying before Alex interuppted him. " Oh no, is she- " His face grew wide.
" What? no no she's stable " Derek said with a chuckle.

" Dr. Shepard we would like to talk to you what happened to Meredith Grey seeing as you are her boyfriend and founder if you don't mind " The officer asked as Derek got up and wiped his tears away and walked with them to a confrence room. Derek sat in that room for about an hour with all the attendings and residents looking at him trough the small window. They were all so relived that they found him but still confused on how Derek found her in a bush with that many injuries.
The interns stayed with Meredith by her bedside.
The night passes and Derek and the 4 other interns stayed the night to see if anything would've changed.
Meredith was still unconcious and intubated, after some hours passed Izzie and George really started to freak out. Bailey calmed them down, saying that she suffered a really big trauma and they didnt know if she slept in the past two weeks when she was missing.

The day passes and nothing changed, people came in the room to talk to her or fill up charts and leave. Derek and Cristina practiclly lived there, Derek would only leave to go to the washroom but nothing elswe. The cheif gave him some time off to hekp Meredith until she was able to come back.
Derek started sobbing as he pryed for her to wake up soon. Derek held her pale, cold hand with all hope he had, He put his head down by her arm and repeated the same three words over and over again " please wake up" What he didnt know was that Meredith was actually waking up. she didnt cough out the tube from the ventilation cause she knew that she would be so breathless without it.
Meredith tightly squezeed his arm but she was very weak so he didnt even notice. Meredith couldn't move casue she was in too much pain. She squzeed it harder this time and he looked up.
Finally his ocean blue eyes and her emrald green eyes met

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