Vinnie surged forward, throwing vicious punches which Zayn easily blocked. He tried grabbing Zayn's hair, but one kick to his side got him off. Zayn let him do what he want for now; like a cat letting a mouse toy with it before it attacked.

Soon his breaths were shallower, his stamina decreasing. How old was this guy to be getting tired that quick? Zayn guessed late twenties - he probably smoked a lot or something. His moves were now floppy, his steps heavy. But Zayn had just begun.

Zayn suddenly striked back, avoiding his face for now while dealing damage to his body. The stupid fvcker stayed upright because of his ego, even knowing if he fell to the ground after a bit the fight would stop and he wouldn't have as many injuries. Zayn didn't care - it gave him more time to wreck him up. Blow after blow, he was now using the support of the railings to keep him upright; his left arm unable to move after Zayn kicked it hard from his shoulder. Now for his face. Zayn went for his nose and chin, the 'knock-out' parts of the face. He was no longer supporting himself; his supporters in the crowd pushing him up.

Zayn heard a loud whistle - Rafe telling him to calm his shit. He didn't wanna cause too many serious injuries - he and his men would then go after Zayn and he couldn't risk them finding and hurting his family or friends instead.

He stood in the middle, breathing almost back to normal again. His hair tousled, his neck slightly sweaty from the stuffy air. Normally he'd be drenched in his sweat, but he hadn't needed to exert himself in this fight.

His skin prickled with that sensation again. He knew who it was. He turned and looked right at the corner she had hidden herself, behind the stacks of crates. He had, however weirdly, smelt her when he exited the alleyway earlier as she'd been hiding in the gap of the wall when he ran out, he'd been less than a foot away from her. And also from the way his body reacted when he felt that burning gaze.

He met those eyes of hers, staring and unblinking. She defiantly stared back, not scared or judgmental the way he thought she'd be. She met his stare head on. He was angry - no, livid - that she had come, but he just stood there watching her, remembering he'd fought this for her. He didn't even care that his secret was revealed, he was going to tell her, but she didn't realise how dangerous it was for her to be here and it made it worse that she wasn't even aware of that.

Because he remembered she was one of the girls that had escaped. He remember watching Vinnie's men keep her in a basement, and he had went and unlocked it, only briefly meeting her eyes as she had run out.

He knew exactly who she was.


Zayn snapped back to reality; someone would see her there and he needed her safe and sound before that. He ran and got dressed, grabbing his belongings to turn and run to her to already find her behind him.

He stared for a moment, at a loss for words. She didn't realise how dangerous of a crowd this was; the things they indulged in; he was outta here the moment his fight ended. She looked back, worry creasing her face until he saw she was looking at his face - one of him men tried to have a go but was held back, not before he had dealt Zayn a punch in the face with a heavily ringed hand. It stung like a bitch.

"Let me treat it, Zayn," she whispered. Fvck, the way she said his name was going to be his undoing.

"Later, right now we gotta go." he replied urgently.

" No it'll get infected. Now that we're here there's no harm in staying a little longer. Sit." she ordered.

He sat, debating on whether to speak. Syra took off her bag and brought out a first aid kit, pulling on gloves. She brought a few things and came up to Zayn.

💎 Z A Y N 💎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें