premier and more

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This is the last chapter, I have had so much fun writing this story and I hope you have enjoyed it as well.:)


The month fly's past and it is time to pack and prepare to leave for the premier. Charlotte packed a lot of clothes making sure everything is going to be perfect. She is beaming with joy at the thought of meeting the cast. James agreed to stay behind and look after the house whilst we are gone for 1 week. We get to the airport and Charlotte kisses James goodbye and we all get on the plane smiling and waving. The plane is a decent normal flight filled with movies and laughter and we finally arrive back in Atlanta where we were shooting. We get to the hotel and we all settle down and decide an early night won't harm us as we only have 1 day till the premiere. 

"morning dummy," Tom whisper as he walks in with a cup of tea, already dressed and ready for the day. Whilst I am in my pj's.

"Morning, why thank you, kind sir," I say teasingly as I take the tea and he chuckles. He sits down next to me and I lay my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat enjoying my tea, until.

"Morning! Omg, it is the premiere tomorrow! I am so excited!" Charlotte screams as she jumps onto our bed and gazes at the ceiling. I laugh at Charlotte and kick her off the bed, which she stumbles to the floor and then overdramatically acts like I killed her.

"Charlotte you should be an actor too, especially with those oscar-winning skills," Tom say making me laugh and Charlotte too. We have a very chill morning and then we go to the pool which is at the top of the hotel. The view is astonishing as ever and I still remember all the memories from up here as it is the same hotel we stayed in whilst shooting, it is a very fancy one with massive rooms that are more like apartments. 

We all splash into the pool and start to swim around like little kids. I swim to the bottom of the pool and back up only to realise Tom and Charlotte have gone missing. I look around at the edge of the pool thinking they will be hiding behind a chair, but no. I get pulled at the foot and go underwater. Tom then picks me up and throws me. I splash into the pool and instantly look like I am going to kill them.

"Your dead," I say eyeing up Tom and Charlotte. They both put their hands up in surrender and I start to chase them. Gladly I am faster them and I catch up to Tom and I pounce onto his back making us both go underwater. He grabs me and places me on his shoulders and stands up so now I am fully out of the water.

"Ah it's cold up here," I laugh holding my arms and Tom drops me. We stay in the pool for a few hours and then it is time to go and settle down ready for a big day tomorrow. The rest of the day we cook dinner and watch movies as well as talking and of course dancing. 

It is the day of the premiere and me and Charlotte get ready together. She wears a nice dress that is black with golden details. I wear fancy trousers a lacey top and a blazer. It is also gold and black to match Charlottes.

"We look amazing!" Charlotte shouts and I agree. She turns to me and hugs me. I am shocked but hug her back.

"Thank you for bringing me, Love you Hannah and I am always here for you boo," I hug her tightly as she speaks and feel a tear run down my face. 

"I love you so much Charlotte," I whisper and we finally let go and do our make up. Once we are done and we meet Tom we get in the limo and we are off. We arrive and all I see are flashes,  Charlotte is enjoying it, but I hold Toms hand just a bit tighter. Flash. I smile and sign autographs with Tom. Fans are the best.

"I love you Hannah you are so inspirational!" A fan shouts and I blow them a kiss which makes them scream out of joy. I laugh at everyone reactions and at Charlotte living the life, whilst meeting the cast. Then we finally get the interviewers.

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