Big choices

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Tom and I spend the last day in London with Alexis, Charlotte, James and Micheal. We go out to get lunch at a cafe we always go to. Then we go home and hang out all day watching movies and playing games. Now we are playing truth or dare, how bad can this possibly get?

"Truth or Dare Tom?" Micheal says as it is his turn to ask.

"Dare," Tom says putting on an overdramatic brave face, making everyone laugh.

"Act out a scene with Hannah on the spot, she does acting," He says, I feel a blush creep across my face. It is Tom's turn, not mine. I get up with Tom and prepare for the dramatic scene.

"Topic?" Tom says looking at Micheal. He thinks for a moment.

"Fallout/Break up," Micheal says, great this will be fun. Tom and I both roll our eyes at the same time causing everyone to break into laughter. Then back to seriousness as they watch us.

"Hannah, look, I am sorry, we don't have to do this" Tom says grabbing my arm forming tears in his eyes. His acting is so realistic, he doesn't expect me to act well either. I turn to face him tears streaming down my face.

"You know we have to Tom, it is never going to work out. Have you ever thought about me, huh? Ever about my feelings? You haven't, and that's on you. That's the reason we have to do this. It is all about you Tom. Everything," I say mildly shouting and crying. Tom looks stunned at my acting.

"Hannah, it isn't my fault, you know that. Please can we just talk about this," Tom says grabbing my arms and pulling me towards him.

"We are talking, and I am afraid that there isn't much more to talk about, goodbye, Tom," I say kissing him on the lips then looking him straight in his teary eyes and walking away. Everyone starts to cheer and clap. That's when I realise Alexis is filming us. 

"Hannah! Wow, you are amazing at acting," Tom says wiping away his tears and then mine with his thumb. 

"I always enjoyed acting, never did it though," I say then sit down next to Tom cuddled up to him. 

"Well I am sending that to you Tom and maybe my Twitter, "Alexis says.

"Hey if you post that please say it is acting," I say nudging Alexis on her arm, whilst laughing at her. The rest of the night is just movies and talking about how I am going to miss everyone. We take one last group photo and then everyone leaves me and Tom alone on the couch. 

"It's going to be fine Hannah, it is only four months," Tom says kissing the top of my head reassuring me as I drift off to sleep In his arms. I then wake up; Tom is missing. I walk around the house and hear the shower running. He must be in the shower, so I walk to the kitchen to see breakfast pre-made. I see a note next to it and it reads

Morning, have a bite to eat we are leaving In 2 hours, Love you 24/7 xx Tom

I instantly smile. I am so nervous about leaving London for so long. I am going to call everyone every night though. I call my parents now to say goodbye as I can't see them.

"I am going to miss you, see you in 4 months, Love you!" I say as I end the call after a few minutes of talking. I am so happy I found them after all these years. Tom eventually comes out of the shower and we have breakfast, delicious pancakes and maple syrup. As we are eating Tom breaks the silence.

"Why didn't you go into acting?" Tom asks taking a bite of his pancake.

"I...don't know I had too much on my mind, college, art, friends, not having a family. I forgot all about it," I say looking at my food, I have lost my appetite talking about the past, even thinking about it makes my stomach turn.

24/7 - Tom HiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now