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Sorry it is a short chapter


Tom and I have finally gotten ready after hours of messing around with makeup and outfits. Pretending we are in fashion shows and walking down the catwalk. My favourite part was Tom trying to fit into one of my dresses and me putting lipstick on him; let's just say it didn't end up well - a ripped dress in the bin. My camera roll is packed with Tom and our funny moments, messing around and enjoying each other's company. 

I have finally come to a conclusion as to what I am going to wear so now I am wearing a baby blue, short, a skin-tight dress that has long sleeves and a bareback. Tom wears his normal suit but changes his tie to match my dress. I slip on black heels and the bracelet Tom gave me. I take a second to look at the bracelet and embrace it. Then we are off. We walk out the door checking we have everything and make our way down to the taxi pushing each other to the side and nudging each other down the stairs, laughing hysterically. The taxi is waiting for us patiently outside. We rush inside, not wanting to be late for dinner.

"Hey!" I shout at the cast, as we see them at the back of the restaurant. I make my way through the restaurant dragging Tom behind me. Once we arrive at the table we sit down, I am seated between Tom and Scarlett with Chris across from me.

"How is everyone?" Tom asks taking the menu.

"Good, how about you two?" Seb replies.

"Yeah, we are fine, but I have some news for you all," I mention, making everyone turn their heads towards me and Tom. 

"Pregnant?" RDJ asks. I choke on my water, as he says that.

"God no!" Tom says straight away.

"Engaged?" Chris asks. Once again causing me to choke on my water.

"What is it with you all and guessing?" I mock. Everyone laughs and I turn to face them all straightening my posture.

"I have the new role in the Avengers movie," I whisper so no one else can hear. Everyone starts to cheer and look at me in shock, apart from Chris, Tom and Seb who already know. I start laughing and thanking them for their support. 

"Thank you so much," I say, then, "Well the premiere is tomorrow, excited?" I ask. Everyone nods and we start to talk about what we are all wearing, except for me and Tom who decide it should be a surprise. We have already planned an outfit that will match each other. All of us are laughing and signing a few autographs for a few fans in the restaurant, apart from me, when our delicious meals arrive. The aroma spreads across the table, making my mouth water. We all sit and eat, whilst talking in between mouthfuls about how we are all grateful for all the opportunity we have gotten.

 I can't be happier, surrounded by friends that will last forever and the love of my life. All the events that have happened recently happened for a reason, leading me to the same person, Tom. Everything seems to go so quickly, whether it is a dinner with friends, or 4 months apart from your world. Every thought seems to be rushing through my head, but they are all happy ones. I doze off into a daydream, watching everyone smiling and feeling it making me smile in return.

"You alright precious?" I hear Tom say as it snaps me out of my deep daydream.

"Yeah, fine," I whisper. Tom nods, then leans in to whisper something into my ear.

"I am so proud of you," He says, making my smile. Everyone burst out laughing, thinking he said something else. After we finish eating and tip the waiter for serving us we all decide to head up to the pool at the top of the hotel that overlooks New York. 

We all start to run up the stairs and into the elevator, without a care in the world, like little kids. I push past them all and take the lead, dragging Tom behind, holding his hand tightly. All of us are laughing and pushing past each other. Eventually, we make it up to the pool, no one in sight. Tom and I went to our room, on the way up, and grabbed a bunch of spare bikinis and trunks. We all get changed and do cannonball competitions.

"You go first Chris," I say pushing him forward,

"Fine," He snarls, he runs and jumps, making the biggest splash.

"Impressive! Your turn Seb," Sebastian runs and jumps making a large splash, Chris is in the lead still. Scarlette goes next, Chris still holds the leading position. Mark, is by far the worst at making cannonballs. Everyone laughs at Mark's attempt and then I decide to go. I sprint towards the edge of the pool, feeling the wind rush through my hair and past my face. I jump and turn myself into a ball, I still can't beat Chris, but at least I am second. Tom goes straight after me. Let's just say he wins.

"Jesus, Tom how did you make such a big splash?" I ask wiping the water from my face.

"Magic," He replies picking me up and placing me on his shoulders. I start to laugh and we all pair up to do a water fight and to see who falls off the other person's shoulders last. I sit on top of Tom's shoulders, we are the best team by far. Scarlet and Elizabeth fall first and decide to be the judges. Sebastian and Anthony fall next, making their way over to push us over. Everyone is smiling and having the time of their lives. I can't help but smile and enjoy every last minute. After ages of playing and splashing around, we sit at the poolside and watch the city and stars. I record a video to remember this moment.

"Hi I am Hannah and I am here with Tom and my friends," I say, into the camera "and just look at the view from up here," Everyone waves to the camera before I turn it around to show the amazing view. I plan on sending it to Charlotte, I miss her dearly, but she and James are happy at Tom's. I take a few more goofy pictures with everyone crammed in. It is surprising how many of us there actually are.

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