reunited- days home

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Only 1 more chapter after this one- enjoy

Tom and me are now on the plane returning back home. I am bursting with joy, I cant wait to hold Charlotte in my arms and talk to her and catch up on everything. I am upset about leaving the cast but they promised that we are definitely going to meet again someday. We have a month in London until we have to leave to go to the premiere. It is a weird feeling knowing loads of people are going to see me on screen, might be something I need to get used to. The plane is decent especially the movies we watched and like always Thor Ragnarok was in there somewhere. After hours we finally land and I jump up with joy grab the bags and run off the plane with a massive grin on my face. I run past crowds of people with Tom trying to catch up with me. I run through the doors and instantly spot Charlotte in the crowd. Tom comes to a stop and catches his breath, but I run. 

I am smiling and swerving past people trying to get to Charlotte, as she does the same thing. We are so close and I drop my bag and jump into her arms. James is filming whilst laughing and me and Charlotte both start crying. All I do is hug her smiling as big as I can.

"Charlotte I missed you so much!" I say holding her tight. I can feel people eyes staring at us, but we don't care.

"Hannah! I am so happy your home! it's been tolong" She replies as James starts to hug us along with Tom who has finally caught his breath. 

"James!" I say hugging him. I am filled with relief and happiness. Tom is laughing at my reactions whilst he greets Charlotte and James. 

"It is so good to see you guys," Tom says picking up our luggage as James helps him. Me and Charlotte link arms and walk outside to find the car. We are laughing and nudging each other and catching up on everything that happened whilst we were separated.

"Was Chris Hemsworth there?" She asks.

"Yeah obviously, he had to help me when my chair broke once whilst filming, look at the pictures we got with everyone," I say showing Charlotte all the amazing photos I got with everyone. Most were silly ones where I was messing around with people.

"I love that one," Charlotte mentions as she points to the one where I was on Chris Evans back and Sebastian was chasing us. I laugh at the memory and carry on looking through my packed phone. Charlotte has always wanted to meet the cast so I decided to invite her to the premiere as my guest. Charlotte is beaming with joy and is most excited to see Chris Hemsworth and Sebastian. 

"I am so excited!" She shouts bouncing around the apartment.  I laugh and we start to look for matching dresses. I decide to be different and go for trousers and a blazer and a lacy top. Charlotte goes for a traditional dress. They are both gold and black so we are going to look sleek.  We spend the rest of the day chilling out drinking and watching movies due to me and Tom being tired from travelling and are trying to get used to the 5 hours difference. It will take some time to get used to. 

The next day we have another chill day. We decide a picnic might be a good option. We leave the house at 1 pm and head towards the field where me and Tom used to go a lot. To us, it feels like 8 am due to the 5-hour difference so we are sleepy as hell. Charlotte is all energetic and so is James, but Tom and me are tired. We arrive and we lay down the blanket and unpack the food. We have a small chocolate cake to celebrate us being home, we also have beers and cider. Tom cuts the cake and we all cheer with drinks in hand. After hours of talking playing games, Tom pulls out of the car a tennis ball and a rounders bat.

"Rounders?" He asks as we all cheer tipsily. 

Charlotte hits first and James bowls. She hits the ball and we all start to run. I grab the ball and throw it to Tom who then throws it to James and Charlotte stops running. 

"3 points to Charlotte!" She shouts and hands the bat to me who is laughing hysterically. James throws the ball and I hot the ball and it goes flying through the air. Everyone instantly starts running but unfortunately, Tom catches my amazing hit and gets me out.

"Damn it, Tom!" I shout laughing at him. 

"0 points to Hannah!" James shouts. I laugh and Tom has a go he ends up getting 5 points and James gets 6.

"The winner is James and the loser is Hannah!" Charlotte announces and we all laugh starting to clear up the mess we made. Once we get home we settle down and go our separate ways. Me and Tom go to sleep early as we are so tired. Charlotte and James stay up and watch movies and does who knows what.

In the morning me and Tom go to work for a day and I finally get to see kate, tara and Michael and see how they are all coping. I can tell they are all still highly affected by Alexis's death. 

"Sooooo how was filming?" Kate asks as she wants all the details.

"It was amazing the cast is absolutely amazing," I state imagining all the amazing times. 

"Show us some pictures you have with them! Omg did you meet Anthony Mackie?" Tara excitedly says.

"Yes look," I say showing them pictures I have with them on my phone. They all laugh at the goofy picture we had taken together and I also show them some bloopers. We talk for what seems like hours.

"It was the funniest when people fell over and everyone would laugh and cheer them on," I mention imagining the times that happened. 

"So when's the premiere?" Michael asks.

"in a months time, so we have a lot of time to catch up, how bout dinner at Tom and mines tonight?" Everyone agrees and I go to Toms office and knock.

"Come in!" Tom shouts and I enter. I see him at his desk on the phone. I slowly approach his desk and place down a tea I have gotten him. He mouths thank you and he says bye to the person on the phone.

"So who was that?" I ask

"Mikey," Tom replies, that's his agent. 

"Very nice, do you mind if some people come for dinner at ours tonight?" I ask Tom who is now in front of me looking down at me, playing my hair.

"Depends on who," He says.

"Kate, tara and Michael," I mention and he agrees and we make our way home. We only went in for a few hours. We ask Charlotte to help prepare a meal and we end up with Beef Stroganoff. Its simple, but delicous.Tom goes out to the shop quickly to grab more beer and wine, due to us running out because we drank it all.  I set up the table and get everything prepared. I put on some fancy trousers and a nice top and do my make up. Charlotte and James will also be attending this diner as they are still in the house for the rest of the month and it would be unfair to exclude them. Tom returns with beer in hand and Kate arrives.

"Hey! how are you?" I ask as she greets me. 

"I am great how about you? and what ever you are cooking it smells delcious," She assures me and then Tara arrives.

"Hey girls, smells good," We all laugh and get beers  with Charlotte, James and Tom. Once we all settle down Michael knocks.

"Hey guys, how are you all doing?" he asks entering. I hand him a beer and say

"We are all doing great, especially nows we all have beers," I say making everyone agree and chuckle. We talk for ages about work and the movie. They are so fasinated hearing about our memorys with the cast. Eventually we all go to the nice capacious table that has been laid out nicley by moi. 

"Hannah you have really outdone yourself it is amazing," Charlotte says as everyone takes there first bites of the food.

"Wow Charlottes right Hannah," Kate says after having her first bite. Everyone enjoys the food greatly and everyones company. Hours fly past quickly and everyone has packed up and is heading home.

"Thank you so much Hannah it was delcious," Michael says on his way out the door.

"Thank you theplesure was ours, have a good night," I say hugging him goodbye. Now everyone is gone me and Tom tidy up with Charlottes help and then we say goodnight.  

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