The Dinner

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I burst through the door. I need to speak to Charlotte.

"Charlotte, I need to tell you what happened," I notice James is still here.

"Where have you been, you've been gone for hours, Hannah!" I look confused, I told her where I was going on my way out. Then I realise, she wasn't paying attention.

"I have called you 10 times," She screams.

"Well if you'd paid attention to me you would've heard me tell you on the way out Charlotte, but you were too busy with your 'boyfriend' to notice me," She can't just shout at me without letting me explain first.

"Look, I'm sorry I was just worried, you were hungover and went missing, especially after that guy harassed you, I just got worried," She says looking at her feet, I felt bad she is just being a caring friend.

"I'm sorry Charlotte I should've answered my phone or left a note," We had never had an argument before, I don't understand why we are having one now.

"It's fine, I'm overreacting, anyway where were you?" Charlotte says looking concerned. I'm not surprised. I had been gone for 4 hours and I don't have a job, Boyfriend or any other close friends so where would I have been?

" I was with Tom, he asked if I wanted to have lunch after what happened last night," I say

"That makes sense I guess," Charlotte says, calming down a bit. "Anyway, how did it go? Was it fun?" she asks.

"It went ok.  We went around the park and also I invited him here for dinner tomorrow; I hope that's ok?," I say hoping that she will be happy he is coming over.

"What!" She shouts, not so calm anymore.

"We have to clean the whole apartment, and what are we going to cook and wea-," I cut her off because she can think and say a million questions if she could.

"Charlotte, we can clean the house and cook lasagna and wear whatever you want, he won't mind," I say with an anxious smile, what was I thinking, a celebrity in a small apartment he is probably going to ghost me afterwards. James then butts in

"Hey, would you like me to leave for that dinner?" he asks not wanting to be rude.

"James you can stay. It might be nice if Charlotte has someone, plus we can introduce you to him or did you serve him at the club?" I say as they probably met before.

"No, I haven't met him before and thank you for saying  I can stay for a few weeks," James says I turn and face Charlotte and ask if we can talk out in the hallway

"A few weeks? are your crazy when will we have our next movie night together?" I like James but movie nights with Charlotte are important.

"Look I'm sorry, I really like him and we can still have movie nights together I promise," Charlotte says, and I do want what she wants, I want her to be happy. 

"Pinky?" I say.

"Pinky," Charlotte says as we lock pinkies.

"Why don't we have a big movie night with Tom and James," Charlotte says excitedly 

"....Yeah I guess but don't you think Tom might find my marvel addiction weird," I say I don't want to create another bad impression, we have barely known each other for a week.

"I wouldn't think so, but we can always watch something that isn't Marvel," Charlotte says with a frown.

"ok let's do it, don't forget th-" Charlotte cuts me off.

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