Chapter 8 - Witch

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KERES HAD LOST ALL sense of time long ago. She had tried every spell she knew, hurling them against the walls of her cell until her voice cracked and broke. She had tried calling for help, pulling against the iron shackles that cut into her ankles. Her cries had echoed around her until they faded. She had tried ripping against her cuffs until her fingernails bled. She had tried everything, but no one listened.

No one cared anymore.

They brought her meals every day, shoving a dirty plate under a flap in the door. It was iron, like everything else down here.

She had scratched marks into the wall for every day that passed. There was a tiny window at the very top of the wall of her cell, which was as tall and thin as a drainpipe. The faint light that entered made sure that she was able to tell when it was day, and when it was night. After two thousand tallies, she had lost count.

She was blind, deaf and mute down here. They had taken away her staff; she didn't know where they kept it. It was useless without her, but they didn't know that.

She had promised herself one thing. When she got out, she would kill them all. Every person who had ensured her suffering. With such a long time to be alone with her thoughts, she had come up with endless plans, infinite scenarios. None of them had worked.

A flap at the bottom of the door creaked open and a plate was slid underneath. She picked it up with shaking fingers and began to eat.

It tasted of nothing, as always, but any food was better than none.

She bit into something hard.

Confused, Keres spat a thin wire hairpin into her palm. A small piece of paper was wrapped around it, which simply read 'sorry'.

Someone had been kind to her. Someone had finally heard her.

Someone was going to regret ever taking pity on the witch.

Keres inserted the hairpin into the rusted lock of her shackles. It took some work, but eventually there was a click, and the cuffs fell open.

She felt everything come back to her.

Magic coursed through her veins, lifting the years off her back, healing the cuts and the bruises, making her feel alive for the first time in years.

Keres laughed, a cold high laugh that echoed around the cell.

She would have her revenge. She knew exactly what spell to cast.

She stretched out her hand, through the door, grabbing the guard by the back of the neck and wrenching him against the wooden frame. She could have blown the door off its hinges with a thought. Walking through the flames and fire, hair falling down her back and eyes blazing with magic, she would have looked like a goddess, but now was not the time for vanity. She had never been pretentious.

The guard tried to scream, but all that could be heard was a strangled gurgle as she snapped his neck. He could have been her helper. Keres shrugged. A fool.

She stepped over his body and into the hallway. They had kept her deep underground, so there would be a fair bit of sneaking around before she saw daylight.

Anyone who got in her way was dead already.


Rosina Kadiari had been working at the palace for some time. She had extensive qualifications, and was perfect for the role of royal advisor. True, she had arrived somewhat out of the blue just as King Ragnar's deteriorating health took a turn for the worse, and never talked about her past, but no questions asked, none answered. They needed her.

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