Chapter 11 - War

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*Author's Note*


Firstly, I'm really sorry for the long absence... Writer's block is hard, but I should be updating a lot more regularly from now on - I have a lot more time available. 

Secondly, this chapter is a revised version of the one I posted months ago, and hopefully it's a better version. My outline is a lot clearer in my mind than the one I was originally working from, and so I know where to go from here XD

Lastly, your support is always appreciated! Votes and comments make me happy :) 

I hope you all have a wonderful week. 



BRI HAD NOT BEEN able to dissuade Tristan from coming. She had intended for him to stay home, but he had been adamant. He was coming too.

Bri hadn't been sure of exactly where they were going up until they had arrived. They had followed Vya into the woods, Skye and Tristan trailing behind, still chatting about magic, whilst Cassian had refused to let go of her hand.

Isolde had stayed behind. She knew the drill. There had been many a time where both Bri and Tristan had disappeared without warning, inevitably reappearing later on covered in dirt, dust and a whole lot of mud.

Cassian squeezed her hand and jolted Bri out of her reverie. She should have heard it anyway. The combined noise of thousands of men and women; the flapping of tents; the clanking of armour; this was a war camp.

Vya made her way through the maze of tents, stopping in front of the largest one. She ducked through the flap, and the others followed tentatively.

Inside there was a large table dominating the space. Chairs were all pulled out and occupied. At the head of the table sat Eileifr, his curly hair loose under a thin circlet made of silver. He was wearing different furs, but his brown eyes were fixed on General Euryphaessa who was speaking. Bri just caught the end of her sentence.

"And of course, the mermaids are somewhat ... restricted, so they have sent envoys." She glanced at the woman opposite her, whose jet black hair hung straight down her back. She had pale skin, which seemed to glow blue. Her eyes, deep black, not like coal, more like the deep sea, were warm, and she smiled as the general regarded her.

"Selkies." whispered Cassian, nudging Bri.

Bri breathed out. The woman was physically flawless, from her arched brow to what could be seen of her under the thick grey spotted fur she was wearing. Bri supposed that should have been a dead giveaway.

The people around the rest of the table, now that Bri looked, were distinctly other.

"We thank the Light Elves for their continued alliance to our cause," continued the General. "We all knew this was coming at some point, so to have rallied so quickly is a feat within itself."

There were murmurs of agreement.

The general looked up, and spotted Vya who was hovering next to Cassian and Bri. She smiled invitingly and Vya inclined her head. Eileifr, who had been observing the surroundings with a neutral smile on his face, also raised his head. He stood up and crossed the tent quickly.

Cassian stiffened.

"Miss Fletcher - if I remember rightly?" he mused.

Bri extended her hand reluctantly. "I hope you had a safe journey."

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