Chapter 3 - Journey

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*Author's Note*


Thanks again to everyone who has commented/voted/read this story. Please keep letting me know how you find it. 

Also, if Author's Notes are overrated please tell me, I don't want to sound like an idiot...!

I do quite like to read them, but if that's just me, do let me know. 

Anyways, this chapter is longer, and there should now be regular updates every Monday or Tuesday from now on. (I apologize for the wait for chapter 2). 

If you liked this story, check out 'The Soulbound Chronicles', by @JTNestman.

Have a brilliant week. 



IT WAS COLD IN the dungeons. Keres was huddled in the corner, her knees drawn up to her chest. Her hair was disheveled, the intricate braids coming undone, and tear tracks streaked through the dirt on her face. She was past crying now. She was past feeling anything.

The cell she was in was cold, damp and smelled of sewage. She hadn't seen anyone in three days, except for the guard who brought her meals once a day. Not even Ragnar, who she thought would have come to gloat at least. Her dress was covered in the straw that lined the floor.

She knew she looked pathetic.

Tenebris castle dungeons were renowned for their formidable defences. No one had escaped since long before anyone could remember.

She could probably blow the doors off their hinges if she wanted to. Keres laughed coldly. It rose in her throat, and became coughs, great, hacking coughs that shook her body. She wiped her forehead with a shaking hand.

From somewhere above her, came the jangle of keys in the lock. She felt her breathing hitch.

A guard appeared at the bottom of the staircase, outlined in the torchlight from the brackets on the walls.

"The Queen has requested an audience with you."

Keres stood up slowly. The guard grabbed her arm, and wrenched her through the shadow-filled corridors. The doors to the throne room stood, imposing as a dragon unfurling its wings.

They were pushed open as she watched.

The Queen was sitting on the throne, her face devoid of expression.

"Mother. Please." Keres' voice was a cracked whisper.

The Queen ignored her, staring straight at the wall above her head. "You have committed treason of the highest order. You attacked your King. I should have you killed."

"Is he alive?"

"No thanks to you. I am willing to be kind - you shall be banished. Set foot in this kingdom again, and you will be executed. We do not tolerate Witchcraft. You have until sunrise to leave." The words were fast, harsh, cutting through the silence like a knife.

Keres felt the tears start to flow again, running down her cheeks. "I didn't mean to. I would never—"

"But you did."

"Mother please." Keres cried, pulling at the restraining arms of the guard. "I'm your daughter. I'm your daughter!"

The Queen hesitated. Her eyes widened, and she looked straight at Keres for the first time. Her voice was level. "I have no daughter."

The Lights Under the LakeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ