Chapter 12 - Fire

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*Author's Note*


So here is the next chapter as promised (sorry for the wait). Hopefully you'll enjoy it! (it is not proofread fully yet, so feel free to point out any errors I may have made)

I just wanted to let you know that I will not be updating next week, so stay tuned until the following Monday/Tuesday for future posts. :)

In the meantime, I hope you all have amazing weeks! 



"Why not?" said Tristan simply, flexing his fingers. The green tendrils holding her halfway up the wall tightened noticeably. "I told you I wanted to fight."

"You little--" snarled Cassian, kicking out again.

"Shhh." Tristan held a finger to his lips. The green sparks wrapped around his mouth. In truth, Bri couldn't actually see Cass, but she could infer it by listening to the muffled spitting sounds that slowly died away.

Keres smiled sardonically.

"There's an army coming for us." hissed Bri. "They won't let you get away."

"They're not going to be in the picture much longer." sighed Keres, mock-weariness decorating her tone. "I was thinking about our little conversation earlier, and I had some ideas - 'improvements' if you will. Firstly, some people should stay dead. More specifically, you--"

She pointed at Cassian.

"Are meant to be decorating the town centre, not getting under my feet. And you--"

She pointed at Bri.

"I should have killed you when I killed your sister. I'm allowed to have a little more fun aren't I?"

"Depends on your idea of 'fun'." Bri muttered, determined not to cry. The green sparks squeezed tighter, and she raised her eyebrows, since she couldn't move her hands. "Alright, alright, I'll shut up."

Tristan cleared his throat quietly. Keres glanced at him, as if she had forgotten he was even there. He mouthed something that Bri couldn't make out, and she nodded.

Abruptly, Tristan pulled the magical bonds off them. Bri crashed to the floor and lay in a winded heap. She made a grab for Keres, but Tristan brushed her hand off with hardly any effort. He laughed.

Bri didn't have the energy to feel anything, let alone anger. She watched, as Keres stepped daintily out into the corridor behind Tristan.

The door locked behind her.

Bri didn't know how much time passed before she was able to move. Cass was still lying there, and she shook him awake, ignoring the burn in her arms.

"Hey." she said when he opened his eyes. "How are you feeling?"


"I don't think anyone is feeling as stupid as me right now. We're weaponless, alone, and stuck in this hellhole."

He laughed weakly. "It's not your fault."

"Mmm." said Bri, pursing her lips.

The door was locked. There was no way they were getting that open in a hurry. Without that, the only way out was the open window, and Bri didn't fancy jumping.

The same question was buzzing around Bri's head.

"What's she planning on doing?" she thought aloud.

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