"Because I don't know how Vik would react." Harry clarified.

"Ohhhh." Tobi had the best understanding of their relationship. Not the full picture, but enough to know Vik was what got Harry through the day. Vik always makes sure Harry is safe.

"Why would he react negatively to that? As long as he knows where you are and who you're with. And that person you're with is someone he knows. And trusts. Then you're good!" Simon chirped.

"Because I'm doing drugs!" Harry shouted. The people in the aisle shot him weird side glances. Simon and Tobi chuckled at him. Utter embarrassment swamped Harry. He could feel himself physically try shrink himself as much as possible.

"Just don't tell him about the drug part." Simon suggested.

"Don't lie to Vik." Tobi advised.

"He'd still be weirded out by me hanging out with Ethan and some unknown in an apartment off campus." Harry shrugged. There was no option to make this work with out a negative outcome somewhere.

"Just say no." Tobi figured it was best to not even bother trying to work around Vik.

"No! Do it! Just lie and go sneak out with Ethan! Vik'll never know." Simon urged Harry to do take the most risky option.

"That's a terrible idea. There are plenty of other ways to hangout with Ethan without getting in trouble." Tobi reminded.

"Vik isn't his mom, Tobi. Harry, you can do whatever you want."

"I don't want Vik to be mad at me. He's done so much for me. I'd feel bad going behind his back." Harry rubbed his right arm. His meek, sorrowful eyes conveying an emotion of guilt.

"Then just tell him! You're literally going to be zonked out in a room. Nothing bad will happen." Simon groaned at the conversation that was slowly circling back to the start.

"I don't know..." Harry pathetically whined. Maybe he should've kept his mouth shut. This isn't Tobi and Simon's problem to get entangled into to. Now Harry felt even more guilty for dragging his friends into this nonsensical dilemma.

"Do you really need to see Ethan?" Tobi asked. Suddenly, the light bulb went off in Simon's head. He gasped,

"Do you like-like him?!" Simon whisper-shouted.

"Huh-? I- Uh,"

"Oh. My. God! The trouble maker and the pastel. How cute! I ship it." Simon cheered. Hot embarrassment flushed Harry's face again.

"Look, if you decide to risk it and not tell Vik, I never knew about this." Tobi cleared himself of any blame. Harry looked down at his phone. The typing cursor flashed awaiting for Harry to type his answer.

> do u wanna come over to my mate's place w me tomorrow?

> we've got the tree 😎😎😎

Delivered 15 minutes ago

Harry held his phone close to his chest, so the other two couldn't peep, and typed back an answer.

>> count me in

"Are you guys getting anything?" Simon asked, ready to get back to his room. Harry shook his head.

"Just this apple juice." Tobi had been holding it the whole time.

"Do you want me to get that for you?" Simon offered.

"Since you're offering." Tobi handed him the beverage. Normally Tobi always paid for himself; whenever Simon offers to pick something up, Tobi never declines because he knows the cash money is really Josh's.

The trio waltzed up to the cashier. Simon set his three items on the countertop. He stood there in a way one could only describe as an "invitation". With his hand on his hip and the other leaning on the counter. The cashier rung the dye and juice. When he got to the Juul pods he requested


Simon slid it out of his back pocket and handed to the guy who must've been around the same age. When he handed the plastic back, Simon softly touched his hand as he took back his license like a stripper takes a tip. Tobi elbowed him in the side.


Simon paid and took the bag of items. He opened it so Tobi could reach in and grab his drink. As soon as they were outside Simon complained to Tobi,

"You know I'm allowed to flirt with people."

"I know. Just don't touch them in a way that might make them uncomfortable." Tobi advised, twisting the cap of the bottle.

"Oh please. What I did could've easily been an accident. Hardly qualifies for sexual harassment." Simon brushed it off. His curious, noisy mind drifted back to their earlier topic. "So Harry, what did you say?"

"I said yes." he informed.

"Good for you!" Simon praised.

Tobi shook his head but didn't say anything. It wasn't his place too. He already said his piece. This was Harry's decision now and all consequences were for him to deal with later. Harry is just his student, not his responsibility. He can do whatever he wants. Personally, Tobi didn't see a problem with Harry wanting to spend time with crush. That's perfectly normal. All Tobi was trying to do was help him out.

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