"No. Why?" Harry said, unaware he was caught snooping.

"He said he's running a little late because he had to talk to a professor. He should be here by 4:30." Vik shared.

"Okay, I'll just wait over at our table then."

Once Harry was out of his peer's sight, he slipped into the rows of bookshelves. As if he was on a secret mission, Harry snuck around in search of his latest obsession. Although he was unlikely to be caught, he ducked and weaved when out in the open because it was thrilling to him. While scurrying past the food science aisle, a familiar blur of a man stopped Harry in his tracks. He took a few steps back to see if it was the right guy. Giddy nervousness plagued his spirit all of the sudden. Harry checked his reflection in his phone, fluffing his golden locks and straightening his pink top. Then he slowly approached, feeling his breath shake.

"H-Hey Ethan!" His voice got caught in his throat. The man addressed looked up from the floor and smiled.

"Hi. What are you doing over here?" he spoke kind of mumbled.

"Tobi's late so I figured I come say hi. Plus I haven't seen you since Monday." Harry fiddled with the phone in his hands. "Where's Josh?"

"He's in another section with another cart. Vik was on our asses because there's a lot of books to put away today. So we split up... I'm lonely." he pouted. "This is no fun without company. Sit with me." He patted the gray carpet floor. Harry sat down criss-cross applesauce. Now that he was closer, Harry noticed redness in Ethan's low-lidded eyes.

"Are you high?" he inquired in a whisper.

"Aw shit. You caught me." Ethan laughed. "Vik didn't at first. I was shocked."

"He can be kind of naive sometimes."

"Have you ever smoked before?" he suddenly wondered.

"No." he shook his head.

"Really? Have you ever wanted to?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeees, I have been curious." Harry bit the inside of his cheek because he was slightly embarrassed that he was a college kid who never tried pot before.

"You seem like the type of guy who'd like it." Ethan leant to the side, scanning Harry up and down.

"Oh really? And why's that?" he probed. A baby grin snuck its way onto his face.

"Because you just seem like someone who likes to chill and wants to zone out. Relax."

"That would be nice. To just relax." he spoke under his breath.

"Why haven't you done it before?"

"I don't know where to get it." Harry answered honestly.

"I can hook you up. I've got some mary-jhuana." he pronounced it funnily which cause him to chuckle at himself.

"Oh okay." A slight ill feeling arose in Harry's stomach.

"You can come over sometime and we'll chill." he invited.

"I don't know about that." Harry scrunched his nose up.

"Why not?" Ethan asked.

"It's just something I'm not sure is a good idea." he reiterated.


"Well I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. I know Vik definitely wouldn't be." Harry scratched the back of his neck, breaking eye contact.

"He cares if you smoke weed?" he asked, surprised and confused.

"No I don't think it's that. It's more doing that without him around would be a big no no." he clarified. But to anyone who doesn't fully understand the closeness between the two, it doesn't clarify much.

"Why would he want to be around?" Ethan continued to question.

"It's-It's not a long story, you see uh, It's..." Harry struggled to explain his and Vik's relationship. The first step was to explain that he had anxiety which Harry knew was nothing to be ashamed of since many people have it; However, he still struggled in admitting it to other people anyway.

Although Ethan had found Harry mid-panic attack, when they talked about the awkward goodbye on Monday, Ethan confessed he was drunk enough to not remember most of what happened by that point in the night. So he didn't remember why he was in hallway, just that he was and remembers laughing with Harry watching funny videos of something (he couldn't specifically remember what of). In his tale of re-explaining to Ethan what had happened, he swapped out 'panic attack' for 'feeling nauseous'.

"Personal?" Ethan interjected.

"Yeah, personal."

"Oh okay. I won't ask anymore." he rested his head on the shelf behind him. It was extremely painful but he didn't move.

"Oh shoot what time is it?" Harry whipped out his phone to check. "I gotta go see if Tobi's here. It's almost 4:30." He pushed himself to his feet.

"Shit really?" Ethan rubbed his face. Harry gave him a puzzling look. "Vik's gonna be so pissed. I haven't done any of my shit." he groaned. Now he would have to listen to the short boy berate him while buzzing around doing the work Ethan slacked on. Totally killing his vibe.

"Sorry, that's my fault. I hardcore distracted you." Harry felt bad. He could have at least helped while they talked.

"Nah, it's whatever mate. Thanks for keeping me company." They kept their eyes met while Ethan stood up. "I'd rather talk to you than play with books. It's worth the 'L'." he smiled a toothy grin.

"Then we'll have to talk more often." Harry felt himself heating up in the cheeks as he said that out loud.

"Let me give you my number. That way I can invite you next time I go to my friend's place to smoke." He reached out for Harry's phone. He obliged and handed over his device with a new contact page open, ready to be filled.

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