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Scout lifted up the borrowed t-shirt and she saw that the spiked wounds from Tory's bracelet had finally sort of healed, and were now permanent scars across her ribs.

"You ready to go?" Asher asked as he poked his head into the bathroom and she sighed a little bit, and he looked at her face in the mirror, which looked a lot like his own had once looked like a few years ago. "Matching scars." He was trying to prompt a smile from her face, but he just gave up and walks in.

She turned into the familiar hug and his arms wrapped around her gently, as he gently puts his chin on the top of her head. "At least we got your mother to leave us be." He pointed out and she nodded quickly, tucking her head back into his chest by instincts.

"Did yours heal?" Scout asked very quietly and Asher shrugged a little, as he winced. "Have you even checked? I mean, since the hospital let you out?"

Asher backed up a bit and he shrugged, lifting up the corner of his shirt and the same ugly scars that she had on her ribs, were scratched in his as well. "Same as yours. Except I don't have the face ones. I have the hand one." He said and the look on her face was worried at once, since she hadn't remembered it and her thoughts, they were written all over her face. "Hey, I even forget that they're there some days, it isn't unusual. You are not the only one." He murmured and she held out her hands with raised eyebrows.

He scoffed a little, as he put his left hand into both of hers with his palm up, and opened it. The ugly gashes in his palm were barely healing at all, as Scout looked up at him, with a fiercely protective look. "Why haven't you been treating this?" Her voice was a harsh tone of fury, and he sighed at the not exactly uncommon reaction.

"I use these things way too much and if one hand is out, then chances are at least 89% that I'll be benched as well." Asher mumbled and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I can't tell you why." He said and she looked like she was about to smack him.

"Could have sworn that you didn't want to keep secrets, but then again... maybe it's just a guy thing." She spat it out with real venom in her words and he flinched at the venom in her tone.

"Look, if I could tell you anything about it, I would." He said and she walked toward the bag that she had brought with her, as she slung it over her shoulder. "Where are you going now, Scout?" He asked and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Out." Asher was painfully silent about anything after that, as Scout slammed the door so hard, that the whole apartment shook.

Scout shakes her head and zipped up her jacket and she walked toward the bus stop, and got lucky with the times that it came.

She ended up hopping out a few blocks south of the Arcade, and she walked into it, with her bag still over her shoulders. "Hey, Scout!" She turned away from Hawk's voice and ends up walking straight into Demetri and Chris, who was working at the time and was on break.

"What is it, with Hawk going after you?" Chris asked and Scout hunched her shoulders over, in a attempt to be smaller and less noticeable.

"I think he just hates Asher." Scout stated only just loud enough for them to hear, but quiet enough so that she'd not be shouting at them, in the middle of the arcade for no reason.

"You are not exactly wrong, about that, real statement. He does seem to hate or at least hold a serious grudge, or at least a beef with that Serpent boyfriend of yours." Demetri stated and Scout looked at him.

"Asher isn't my boyfriend, D. And if that is what you guys think that you have been seeing between us for the last however long it has been, then it is you guys who are needing to get a bunch of eye-tests going around here and Hawk is an idiot if he thinks like you've been doing." She said coldly, as if she didn't know at all, that Hawk wasn't too far away.

She turned around and almost slammed right into him, since he walked over to the three of them, as he was now being followed by six of the other Cobra Kai goons, including the one known as "Ass-Face", as Scout just scoffed.

"Are you really so scared of us, Eli, that you would be hard-pressed to be able to leave behind your drones that are always on your ass?" She asked as he scoffed at her words.

"Where is the Serpent freak anyway? Maybe if he gets here, you might have a tiny bit of a chance to get on the damn board, around here. Since you clearly can't win without him." Hawk was clearly pissed about the drone comments and her instigating that he was scared of them all.

"He isn't a freak, Moskowitz. You're the only one, having flipped the script so completely, that you have become a symbol of that of which was what you hated so much." Scout's words hit him hard and everybody could see it in his face, as he snorted in fury, tryin' to get a ice-cold expression back on his face.

"How is my father these days? Also since you guys definitely know him better then I do, should I be sending you guys back to him in tiny pieces, or some big ones?"

Hawk stiffened up and the other Cobra Kai kids, they were all backing up quickly at once, as Scout raised her eyebrows.

Asher stood there with Storm and Josh, as Scout looked to her left and they stepped forward to stand next to her.

If Asher took the silence by storm, then Josh was the absolute king of the awkward silences. He did not even have to say much, he just moved with the presence of a guy, who knew what to do, if a bully was presently picking on his brother.

"You guys can go outside and fight now, or you can just go back to your every day business and none of us a bit, get hurt." Josh's tone was scarily calm and the Cobras looked to Hawk.

"See you in the parking lot, King Freak." Hawk spat at Asher, whose face was wiped clean of any emotion at all, as the Cobras walked out of the arcade.

Honor or Brutality {Cobra Kai}Where stories live. Discover now