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Scout woke up to an alarm set for 8:30pm and she bolts down the stairs to grab a bunch of leftover food and a huge bucket of ice cream.

Scout was lucky enough to avoid her mother, but ends up running into the one person who would tattle on her a lot just for fun. "Anthony, take the ice cream and don't tell anyone about my binge-watching and binge-eating problems, yeah?" She asked and held out the ice cream to him, which he was gladly taking. "Hopefully Asher wasn't hoping for ice cream." She was mumbling to herself, the second that she was sure that Anthony was out of earshot.

She walked into her room and shut the door with a quiet click, as she was sorting the food out.

She heard a tapping sound on her window and she smiled a little, as she unlatched it, and forced it open, really quick and Asher, he managed to pull himself into the room without (many) painful sounding grunts. "Not my best entrance." He admits and she crushed him in a tight hug, as soon as he got his balance back. "Ow, Scout? Ribs, I think you're cracking them again... I missed you too." He mumbled and she let him go quickly.

"It's really good to see you." She murmured and he looked around her room quickly, noting the Serpent, that she had painted a while ago.

"Good to see that she hasn't gotten into your room yet. I'm surprised in that regard." He said and she shakes her head at his words.

"She wishes, believe me. But she doesn't want to 'upset me' more than she already has." She said, and, rolled her eyes at the thought.

Asher was the definition of a quiet listener as he was just eating all of the food, and she was talkin' rapidly to his 'interest', about what had been almost two weeks ago, what had been going on and happening around here, since it happened.

"All right, I'm done. Your turn." Scout states and Asher shook his head at her a bit. "Hey, what? Is something wrong, Ash?" She asked and he looked out the window and Scout smirked a little bit.

"You want a ride?" He asked and she grinned as she grabbed her jacket and they both climbed quickly, out of her open window.

Scout wrapped her arms around his waist quickly, as she had her helmet on once again. "You hanging on back there?" Asher asked and she punched him in the side. "Ow." He said and she leaned against him.

He kicked the bike to life and they drove off quickly, as they sped off into the streets of the San Fernando Valley.

Asher parked the motorcycle and Scout pulled off her helmet, as they stood in front of the resident 'empty' building. "It's a Serpent bar, right? Am I okay to go in?" She asked and he was looking at her like she was insane.

"You have got the jacket, you have definitely got the tattoo, and you're with me. Anyone who messes with you, will deal with me. Nobody wants that, especially not here." Asher said and he banged on the door with the side of his fist.

The slot opened and Asher looked through, as the slot closed and they were let into the 'empty building' and a new Serpent bar.

"Hey! The King is home!" One of the others shouted and the Serpents were all cheering.

"Well, yeah! I just got our best friend back. Had to break her out of her own house." Asher said and nudged Scout's arm, as she had been hiding painfully in his shadow like she was stuck to his side like glue.

"Hey guys." Scout said after Asher's relentless elbow jabs into her left arm and the party resumed and Asher was the highlight of the party, as usual. For the girls especially, as usual. "Do you even know all of these people?" She mumbled to him and he looked over at her.

"Yeah, most of the boys were older school buddies, the guys that I could count on forever, until they left." Ash said and opened a side-door behind a bar, one of five in the building. "I owe you a serious tip, Jimmy. Remind me."

The bartender saluted him quickly, as the door shut behind them and Asher, he confidently walks through the dark hallway. "You are not going to kill me, are you?" Scout she just had to ask the question and Asher's laugh was all too loud and out of place, in the hallway of which they were in.

"You're hilarious. No, I'm taking you to meet some people. They are a pair of Serpents who,... you could say that they evolved into more than Serpent or a lawyer, for one of them." Asher's voice was quietly smilin', as Scout was suddenly feeling rather unsure.

She reached out in the dark and found his hand quickly, as his eyes caught hers in the dark. "Almost there Girl Scout." He said with the ghost of a smile on his face as she leaned against him in response. "As for why it's dark... this place doubles as a stupid strip-club. That's why the girls are all over everybody." He said and there was clear disgust in his voice, as she smiled slightly at the familiar tone of disgust.

He knocked on a door and it opened quickly, as there was a girl standing at the door, which confused Scout at the sudden appearance of her. "Were you two busy or something? We can come back later."

Asher's smirk was clear in the blinding light and it hits Scout like a bolt of lightning, that the older guy in the other chair was with the girl, who had answered the door. "Very funny Ash. Ha ha. Shut up." The guy said and he stood up, as Asher and Scout walks into the room quickly.

"Ash... you skipped the part about why, we're meeting them in the strip club wing of the new bar?" She asked and the older guy laughed quickly in a cross between surprise and a sort of impressed tone of voice.

"You were definitely not kidding about her, being smarter than the average female Serpent." He said and the girl slammed the door, causing Scout to jump.

"I'm right here." She snapped and he would wince at once, and they motion for Scout to sit down.

"Are you guys teaming up to kill me now?" Scout asked and they all laugh, as the trio of people dropped quickly now into their seats.

"We have a lot to explain to both of them, don't we?" The guy asked and his girlfriend nodded, and she leaned on his shoulder.

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